(aka Pregnant with Life)
About fourteen billion years ago Planck length (10-35 Meter) Superstrings wrapped in Space-Timefabric moved about freely in 11-dimensional Brane Worlds of 10 dimensions of space and one dimension of time. This unimaginably gargantuan mass of near infinitesimally tiny Superstrings was under great tension from two mighty opposing forces. On the one hand, The Gravitational tension within the Space-Time fabric maintained an unrelenting crush, while the opposing passive-aggressive Cosmological Constant continued its efforts to ignite The Super Ball's explosive Power Ball Growth . . .
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10-35 Meter is the Planck length. This unimaginable
length is impressively short. Try, if you dare, wrapping your head
around this: If you scaled up a
Superstring to the size of a virus, the virus on this scale would be as humongous
as the Milkyway Galaxy!!
(NOTE:the Planck length cannot be cut any smaller;
it is the shortest length there is!)
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. . . The Gravitational force was on the brink of weakening. The subatomic ball of Superstrings was about to explode The Universe into existence. The tearing and shearing high tension forces of The Cosmological Constant obsessively ripped at the heart of the little Super Ball. It seems inevitable that the Cosmological Constant would finally over power the now weakening gravity. And it did. And the tiny seed that was to become The Universe began to germinate and began to grow Larger-Than-Life. The futility of Gravity's waning resistance was now clearly apparent. Conspiring with The Cosmological Constant, The 10-35 Meter Planck length stringy Super Ball began to bust loose of its Gravitational Alcatraz
The Inflationary phase begins:
The force of the Cosmological Constant starts to grow the germinating tiny seed that will become our Universe. At 1 second** old our Planck sized universe (10-35 Meter in size) begins to expand exponentially, and doubles its size every second. At the age of 1000 seconds**, the inflating universe has doubled a thousand times. It is now the size of a grapefruit. . .
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The actual reading of
the above regarding the inflationary growth of The Universe is:
Inflationary phase begins:
The force of the Cosmological Constant starts to grow the germinating tiny seed that will become our Universe. At
The force of the Cosmological Constant starts to grow the germinating tiny seed that will become our Universe. At
10 -37 second old our Planck sized universe (10-35 Meter
in size) begins to expand exponentially, and doubles its size every
10 -37 second. At the age of
10 -34 second,
the inflating universe has doubled a thousand times. It is now the size of a grapefruit.
**NOTE: “1 second” = 10 -37
**NOTE: “1000 seconds” = 10 -34
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. . .
It contains about a googol (10 100) Particles/Sparticles . . .
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Particles are microscopic phenomena like electrons and photons. Every Particle has a partner called
a ‘superpartner SParticle’. The Electron’s superpartner is
called a SElectron, and the Particle of light known as a
Photon has a superpartner called a Photino. The Photino is the superpartner
equivalent of an Electron and behaves like an Electron. The SElectron is the superpartner
equivalent of a Photon and behaves like a Photon.
ELECTRONS are like BRICKS. Just as
ice can melt and turn into water, ELECTRON-BRICKS can soften into GLUE. PHOTONS
are like GLUE. Just as water can freeze and turn to ice, PHOTON-GLUE can harden
ELECTRON-BRICKS. SElectron is like Electron softening
to GLUE and Photino is like Photon hardening into
ELECTRON-&-PHOTON Particles on the one hand, and
SElectron-&-Photino SParticles on the other hand are
Superpartners of each other.
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. . Matter/Antimatter Particles annihilate;
Matter/Antimatter SParticles annihilate.
All SParticles and most Particles are completely annihilated. In the end, only Particle matter is left (electrons,
quarks, neutrinos) bathing in a vast ocean universe of photons. There are about
electrons/quarks/neutrinos left in the universe. Now a normal Big Bang
expansion of the universe begins. Quarks combine in 3’s (Baryons; ex. proton/neutron) and in
quark-antiquark pairs (Mesons;
ex. pion/kaon).
Proton attract electron creating neutral atoms (hydrogen, helium, lithium). The
Universe consists mainly of hydrogen and helium and a smattering of trace
lithium and a few others (beryllium).
all the heavens now are hosts of gargantuan congresses of conglomerating congeries
where Proto-Galaxy gas clouds congregate. Many billions of regions within
each supercluster gas cloud began to collapse and condense. Within each
humongous cloud of gas tens of billions of star nurseries prepare for the birth
of hundreds of billions of stars.
Shortly thereafter galaxies light up with tens of hundreds of
billions of stars. Andromeda lights up with more than a trillion stars. Now
there are more than a hundred billion galaxies in all the heavens.
close to five billion years ago, in an average galaxy called The Milkyway, a
star, our star, Sol, an average brightly shining life giving star
is born. Sol, nicknamed "The Sun", emerges
with an entourage of average comets, average asteroids, average Plutos,
average Saturns and average Jupiters. Then there is “3rd Rock from
The Sun, Earth”. Then one
Moonday night a pregnant Mother Earth gave birth. She raised up her son
to the heavens so he could radiantly reflect his father's good light. Ever
since Sol The Father, his son The Moon and Mother
Earth have lived happily in a world they call home, The Universe, and
contentedly in the not uncommon suburban starry city of their birth, The
Milkyway Galaxy.
On or around twelve noon on a
particularly sunny Sunday, on The Good Earth, its burgeoning chemical
industries began to produce biochemicals. Amino acids are created in great
abundance, and special Nucleic acid chains emerge that could self
reproduce themselves.
Amino acids can party all night long in their
protein-congo-lines. Nucleic acids like DNA and RNA are reserved and self
isolating. You will mainly find DNA in a cell’s nucleus. RNA is always hanging
about in the nucleus close to its DNA parent. Every so often DNA creates
a likeness known as an mRNA. mRNA is the son or daughter of DNA. Her role
is to act as a special messenger of DNA in the amino-acid-protein-congo-lines;
they can do this all day.
Let the fun begin! Snap!! Snap!! And
snap! As mRNA and Amino acids consort and make longer and longer chains of
amino acids. Snap!! Snap!! And Snap! And a hemoglobin molecule of at least a
thousand-linked-up-amino-acids is snaking around, contorting and partying in
wanton abandon like there is no tomorrow.
takes a more serious approach to the business of life. DNA holds the secret
codes of life. The patterns in the nucleic acid sequences of DNA inform
life. This information legacy is so
important that the DNA original scrolls are never loaned out only copied.
Copies of these elixirs of life are entrusted only to the children of DNA,
without exception. Her mRNA sons and daughters may ferry these copies of
affirmations where ever life needs shoring up.
million or so years ago, a meeting was assembled. In hush tones DNA said to the
“Listen up ya’ll:
It goes without saying, and I need
not remind you’s that these 46 vaults of Homo sapiens life-codes are purrecious
and purriceless beyond measure. We must always guard them with our
lives. If even one is lost, for example the hemoglobin gene code, this life
would be compromised beyond repair, and we might even be punished with the
threat of extinction. At the appointed time whenever and wherever it’s needed
to maintain this life, I will entrust you faithfully to deliver the necessary
copies of genes in the required amount and in the right order.”
One more thing, Very important:
It is absolutely forbidden to loan
any part of any original codes; and only your mRNA brothers and sisters, and
their transfer-RNA children are allowed to come and go freely in
and out of this locked vault”.
Making life did not come easy for
DNA, RNA, amino acids and their Ribosomal protein smelting factories. Life did
not have an easy start. DNA and the children of DNA (RNA) had to travel along
torturous jungle pathways for more than three billion years before they could
"enjoy" Life. DNA & RNA invented life. DNA & RNA gave the
gift of life to 3rd
Rock from Sol, Earth.
The above is a replicator. That is,
it can copy itself. A replicator molecule like "0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9"
started out only "caring"
about making copies of itself. In other words, that specific ordering of beads
on a string is reproducible. If 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
doubles itself once every hour, then
after ten hours you will have 1000 copies of that specific sequence and one
million after twenty hours. If the shape of the sequence is A,
you will have
A’s after 20 hours.
That A
pattern may also convey the
And B
might have some more useful info
Now you have a thousand thousand
bits of the above shape A or
carrying the above useful bits of
And it came to pass that, for some
reason or the other, this secondary information property of the replicator,
was giving it a competitive
advantage over its replicator rivals. The secondary ability of the sequence
0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 to convey the information:
just happen to allow it to be
1000000 times more numerous and productive than its closest replicating rivals. Within the next billion or so years the Nucleic Acid Replicator Chains, “DNA&Company" (RNA&Ribosomal-RNA), in the form of the new radical upstarts (A&B), will reign supreme. The nucleic acid chain,
is basically a replicating molecule.
There are many different replicators ("9999999") around competing with 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.
However, there is a new precedent:
A replicator bearing information is
crucial to survival. Containing the useful info THERE IS
GOLD IN THEM THERE HILLS, has increased B’s
survival fitness a million fold.
Being pregnant with info is now a wonderful thing. As it turns out, in these
are in demand, because INFORMATION
IS KING now.
If a replicator, "000 . . .000 . .00 . . .1 . . .000"
has nothing to say or says very
little, it ends up in the grave yard of Dumb-&-Deaf-Mute Replicators.
The future belongs to replicators
with the most useful info. That is, the information to create life is the new California
Gold Rush in the Information Age of 3,000,000,000BC (i.e., the Era of Three
Billion BC). Now replicators like DNA and
mRNA serving
as protein-making-instruction-information-bearers , the new gold standard for
replication, dominates "The Pool".
If a replicator cannot inform
protein making, it is barred, rejected, weeded, deselected and ejected from the
new “GENE
POOL”. With
friends like DNA, mRNA and transfer-RNA on their side,
protein-making has never been on a more firm footing.
The future is looking mighty bright
now for protein info “Kings and
Queens” DNA and RNA. Replicators that generate the info codes for life dominate
Pool". The future now belongs to DNA genes and their mRNA sons and
daughters and their transfer-RNA granddaughters and grandsons.
. . .And then there were Hunter-Gatherers
. . .and Cavewomen too . . .
. . .and Cavewomen too . . .
About one hundred and fifty thousand years ago, give or take
one or two hundred years, modern men, that is, technologically advanced
Hunter-Gatherers, asked themselves:
“Who am I, where am I and where will I be in the year 2016?”
No one had an answer, not even in 2015, but these nagging questions were
begging for an answer. And so my soldier, Lindsey Alicia Margaret, begged her dad
(Why ME!?)to
the meaning of our lives. I complained bitterly. I procrastinated forever. I
imbibed Quaaludes on the rocks over Christmas and got droopy drunk on Cold
Duck, Grey Goose and Schnapps in 2015. And then I had a “EUREKA!” moment in 2016 . . . here goes. . .
If you compare Genes and Memes you will discover deep
essential similarities as well as many differences in form. Let us consider
some similarities:
A Gene is a replicator. That is, it can self reproduce. A Meme is a self copier too. Both are governed by the
principles of
The Evolutionary Algorithm(variation/Selection/heredity);
as well as the three carnal modes of improvement:
The Evolutionary Algorithm(variation/Selection/heredity);
as well as the three carnal modes of improvement:
1. Fidelity
2. Fecundity
3. Longevity
Both Genes and Memes are constantly striving to thrive and
improve their quality of being (Fidelity),
to reproduce themselves in as many copies as possible (Fecundity) and to extend to themselves a long life span (Longevity).
Take a look at
There are a wide variety of seasonal wears. The four normal seasons
are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Now if it is the end of Autumn, the
Winter variations in clothing are coming out in display for customers to choose
from. It's 20 degrees below. What is a meme to do? Well, a meme will do what
comes naturally, that is, replicate to discover an improved mutant that is of
worth to their customers, and discard meme mutants like summer wears that would
not be appropriate for the winter season. The good news is, a wide range of
memes are available for you to find one or two or more that will protect you
from getting frost bitten.
I am talking about Winter wear options and also referring to
Meme Variety. What gives? What do a variety of snow boots have to do with a
variety of memes?
So, here is a learning moment:
A Gene is the blue print for growing living organisms.
A Meme is the blue print for manufacturing snow boots, snow
tires and all the other phenomena of culture. Meme snow boot blue print
varieties imply Meme variation
Now, your mom makes a definitive decision on a choice of
winter snow boot. Mom asks the ninety-nine year old sales person to let her
have “This Black Suede Snow Boot”
Specification information (“specs”). “specs” mean description
info, instructions and/or user directions. A more formal title is Meme
Selection Blue Print.
The next winter (Winter 2016) has much 20 degree below days.
You wonder:
“Maybe I
should select the same snow boots like the one mom had in winter 2015?”
Mom gives you a pair of snow boot for Christmas.This snow
boot served her so very well in 2015’s 20-below winter days. passing it on to
you to be ready for 2016's 20-below days amounts to an inheritance from mom to
Black Suede Snow Boot meme
(Blue Print) handed down from one generation (mom) to the next (daughter)is
formally termed Meme Heredity.
From a wide Variety
of different mittens you Select the wooly lined black pair.
They are light, toasty warm and stylish. This was the winter of 2015. Its 2028. We are in the throes of winter once
again. Your grandson complains about having to shovel snow in the driveway
without mittens. You fondly recall those wooly warm black mittens of yesteryear.
You say to your 15- year old grandson, Bryson:
“Here, try these. They've been in the attic for 13 years but
they still look and feel quite warm.”
So, you hand down
these well worn and faithful old mittens to Bryson. He eyes them with
suspicion. His grandpa says:
"These good old mittens might no longer be in style,
but you will never get a frost bite shoveling snow with them."
And so, through Heredity,
these sturdy and useful mittens will serve the next generation. These oldish
wooly lined black mittens might even be inherited again by a great granddaughter
in the 2040’s . . . only time will tell . . .
Your great granddaughter
hands you a pair of wooly lined black mittens. You know these mittens. However,
you are charmed when you discover that she made them herself. The 10-year old
got the instruction ‘specs’ from “grammy’ and made them herself! You smile and say: “Thank God for Memes!”
Modern humans and their memes have changed and
evolved. A Hunter-Gatherer saw lightening strike the kitchen of one of
his neighbors. The fire ignited by the lightening burnt the hut down but his
neighbor’s wife, daughters and sons had a nice tasty roast goat that they
shared with him. The next few occasions lightening struck, it included this
Hunter-Gatherer’s hut, too. The next time lightening struck his hut, his duck was
toast. The last strike cooked his goose. The next time it struck, he learned to
control it to just roast and toast his sliced-and-diced Thanksgiving Turkey.
The next stage in the evolution of fire and its memes was
rubbing two sticks together. The first time Hunter-Gatherer-Man tried this he
experienced a first degree burn. He got better at it in subsequent trials by
fire. His cave-neighbor imitated this "rubbing two sticks together
to start a fire" trick and got it right after a thousand trials by
One hundred years ago, and the tenth stage in the evolution
of fire and its memes, matches were invented by Vulcan Man. This "striking
a match to start a fire" was mesmerizing, and he was imitated by
Nya-Bingi-Man, and so Rastafarian Man could light his weed with speed. But
after three lights and three puffs with three unlucky strikes,
Natti-Dreadlocks-Man had a Buzz, drove the wrong way down Jorelemon and was
stopped by the Fuzz. Said The Fed to the buzzed Natti Dread:
"No doubt, three
strikes and 'YOU'RE OUT!!'"
Any day now, there will be
That is, download an app to your iPhone that when
app for that".
That is, download an app to your iPhone that when
up your weed with speed".
Did I mention there were gene and meme differences? Yes? You
sure? I was hoping you had forgotten; ok:
For two things, (1) genes are biochemical molecules (memes
are not). (Secondly) genes replicate, reproduce, regenerate copies of
themselves by a seemingly magician's chemical sleight of hand known as “Complementary
base Pairing” (very long story), and memes don’t; memes replicate
exclusively by imitation (I am almost certain, but don’t quote me!). One
caveman watches his cavewoman rub two sticks together and catches dry grass (MJ) on fire.
This inspired the famous motto:
“Where there is fire
there is (grass to) smoke”
(Or words to that effect). The caveman explains how it’s
done to his cave-mistress and his cave-wife catches him fooling around with his
so-called “Sis” and sets him on fire
(serves him right!!)
So. . . what exactly is a MEME?
It may still be debatable but a meme is said to be some experience of a human that may be passed on from human to human to human to other humans by humans. What is not a meme, you ask? Formally, A Meme is the Unit of culture. One meme or a set of closely cooperating memes,called a Memeplex, serves as the Blue Print to create, construct grow, evolve, etc, a cultural phenomenon. Shoplift any item in Pathmark; you just shoplifted a cultural phenomenon, or an item of cultural value (please, don't shoplift, its unbecoming). Download the "Angry Bird" app or the "Duck Hunt" app. Yes, these are cultural phenomena too.
It may still be debatable but a meme is said to be some experience of a human that may be passed on from human to human to human to other humans by humans. What is not a meme, you ask? Formally, A Meme is the Unit of culture. One meme or a set of closely cooperating memes,called a Memeplex, serves as the Blue Print to create, construct grow, evolve, etc, a cultural phenomenon. Shoplift any item in Pathmark; you just shoplifted a cultural phenomenon, or an item of cultural value (please, don't shoplift, its unbecoming). Download the "Angry Bird" app or the "Duck Hunt" app. Yes, these are cultural phenomena too.
Alternatively, consider shoplifting a Paper Clip from Staples. The Blue Print directions, or 'recipe', to make a paper clip is the paper clip's meme. If paper clip making becomes obsolete it may mean its meme (recipe instructions)has stopped replicating. That is, people have stopped buying into the idea (meme) of a cultural phenomenon called a 'Paper Clip'. people no longer care about using paper clips, so its meme has stopped being passed and spread from human to human to human.
If an experience is not able to be imitated, by that definition, it may not be regarded as a meme. For example, private ideas/thoughts that is only in your mind, these are not memes. An unrevealed secret is not a meme because it is not shared with another soul
(you kill these guys and bury them in your tool shed and you die {or not} and no one misses any of them because they faked their deaths in a "suicide pact" a few days before. You single handedly murdered each and every one of them because they killed your Pit Bull Terrier during rehearsals of their fake "suicide pact".)
meme is not just interesting because it is a replicator that can be shared
between humans. A meme is especially important to human beings particularly
because it may inform and instruct cultural experiences. After all, memes
contain the information and Instruction Blue Prints required to manufacture
develop and evolve human culture.
As long as we still have a taste for
green tea or need to warm ourselves by the campfire, we will continue to steal
fire from lightening or start one by striking a lighter. While we warm
ourselves we will strike up a tall tale or two with our children with some
spine tingling scary ghost stories; this way they won’t wonder off and get
killed by some beast. Your dad, the tribal Head Headshrinker, will instruct his chief’s bravest warriors to scare away hyenas, bears and tigers by
chasing and threatening the wild beasts with burning bushes that has been
augmented with some spell binding voodoo memes. The
tribal chief will inform the young warrior that all wild beasts have a deadly
natural fear of fire. He shows them how to rub two sticks together until the
friction between them set the dry bush starting to smoke. He tells them to continue
vigorously rubbing the two sticks together and the friction will set the dry
bush or dry grass first to smoke and then set ablaze.
different kinds of fire for preparing meals, getting toasty warm, and making us
safe from all sorts of evil and danger, have continued to evolve and improve.
We live in the space exploration age; fire is used to light and fire our rockets
off to Mars, Saturn and Pluto.
IT Man has mastered her culture of fire.
The vast fire memeplex network continues to inform the growth, development and
evolutionary rise of her technoculture. Fueled vigorously by the vast
network memeplex cultural infrastructure, humanities world wide Technoculture
web being bred by Information Technomemes, have reached mind blowing
dizzying heights and its rapid acceleration is a breathtakingly wild ride into
the unknown future (which is six months from now!)
Very important:
are replicators that are spread from one person to the next by one human
imitating another. Memes serve as the information Instruction Blue Prints to
create, grow, maintain and evolve human culture.
beings are embedded in a vast and deep ocean of culture, and memes are embedded
in a vast mass of humanity of more than 7,000,000,000 (Seven Billion). A good
representative cultural phenomenon is the USAA (U.S. Army). All the soldiers go
through Basic Training and here Military Culture & Military Culture-Memes
are drilled into each new recruit. That is, each is inculcated with the same
military culture experience and military culture-making memes in the USAA Boot
Camp Army Manuals. These military memes in books, pictures, songs, and movies,
Drill Sergeant drilling, combat traing, etc are copied, replicated, reproduced
by the new recruits through each basically imitating and instructed by their
Drill Sergeants.
This experience describes a meme quite well:
A Drill Sergeant who wants her soldier to copy, or imitate her, shows or demonstrates to her recruit the specific steps of how a military cultural task or experience is expected to be done, and then drills it into her soldier repeatedly. The Drill Sergeant has to "Deconstruct" The New Recruit and then "Reconstruct" The New Soldier in The Drill Sergeant's USSA Image by her imitating The Drill Sergeant. The MEME Instructions & Information spreads from The Drill Sergeant, who transforms a Civilian
Lindsey A.M. Chang
and Remakes msczchang into a
New USAA Soldier:
Pvt. 1st Class Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang.
One last thing: Psychologists and other Shrinks insist that the little voice you hear in your head might be memes 'Thinking out loud'. Shrinks say 'your thoughts' are not yours, they are your Drill Sergeant's Memes's having a debate about what dastardly schemes (or good deeds) they should involve you and them in next.
The next time you find you can't resist "Taking a Hike" as instructed by your Drill Sergeant, it could be you have turned into a
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