According to Superstring M-Theory and Quantum Mechanics, in The Universe,
The Fundamental String exists as five types of stable basic patterns. These
are the five stable Fundamental Information Quantum Units p e u d g, or the
photon, electron, up quark, down quark and the gluon. These five Quantum Units of
Information formed stable patterns from which grew the seven distinct levels of
Information Composite Units of Reality: (1)The Meson (ex., +pion, -pion, °pion),
(2)The Baryon (ex., proton, neutron), (3)The Nuclei, (4)The Atom, (5)The Molecule,
(6)The Cell and (7)The Human Society. The five Quantum Units are the basic
Information Units. Patterns into which these Information Quantum Units were
organized continued, over billions of years, to become more complex, and
gave rise to the seven levels or categories, of Information Composite Units
alluded to above. Each arose one after the other, developing in a kind of
evolutionary manner akin to biology.
The Fundamental String exists as five types of stable basic patterns. These
are the five stable Fundamental Information Quantum Units p e u d g, or the
photon, electron, up quark, down quark and the gluon. These five Quantum Units of
Information formed stable patterns from which grew the seven distinct levels of
Information Composite Units of Reality: (1)The Meson (ex., +pion, -pion, °pion),
(2)The Baryon (ex., proton, neutron), (3)The Nuclei, (4)The Atom, (5)The Molecule,
(6)The Cell and (7)The Human Society. The five Quantum Units are the basic
Information Units. Patterns into which these Information Quantum Units were
organized continued, over billions of years, to become more complex, and
gave rise to the seven levels or categories, of Information Composite Units
alluded to above. Each arose one after the other, developing in a kind of
evolutionary manner akin to biology.
Information is not nonphysical. Information does not have physical characteristics
like mass, charge, radioactivity and states like water ice, liquid and steam and so
on. But this does not make Information metaphysical in anyway. Consider a protein.
It's a chain or chains of amino acids in a particular order, or pattern. For example,
"Insulin“ is the patterns of two chains of amino acids. One chain has 21 amino
acids. The other chain, 30 amino acids. The amino acids in either chain is arranged
in a fixed order, or pattern. Each of The 51 amino acids in the two chains has physical
characteristics like charge, solubility, density, etc. However, the Information Insulin is
not any one, some or all of the amino acids in the two amino acid chains. Insulin is a
pattern of a collective of material things, amino acids. Insulin is the particular pattern
of the two chains combined. Here is Another example.The playing card hand Full
House is not any one of the
physical playing cards.
Each card has physical
properties but none of the cards is the Information Full House. There are
several Full House poker hands. Full House’s are particular poker hand shuffles of various five
particular playing cards.
You can't isolate the Full House shuffle pattern from the cards and place the pattern on the dining like mass, charge, radioactivity and states like water ice, liquid and steam and so
on. But this does not make Information metaphysical in anyway. Consider a protein.
It's a chain or chains of amino acids in a particular order, or pattern. For example,
"Insulin“ is the patterns of two chains of amino acids. One chain has 21 amino
acids. The other chain, 30 amino acids. The amino acids in either chain is arranged
in a fixed order, or pattern. Each of The 51 amino acids in the two chains has physical
characteristics like charge, solubility, density, etc. However, the Information Insulin is
not any one, some or all of the amino acids in the two amino acid chains. Insulin is a
pattern of a collective of material things, amino acids. Insulin is the particular pattern
of the two chains combined. Here is Another example.The playing card hand Full
House is not any one of the
Each card has physical
several Full House poker hands. Full House’s are particular poker hand shuffles of various five
particular playing cards.
room table like you could take a bunch of roses from their wrapper, put them in a vase and place them
in the middle of the dining room table. Full House is not any of those cards. A poker hand is not the
physical cards and does not have any physical attributes. How much any of the cards or the whole
group weighs or the physical size of any of the cards in the set or any other physical characteristics of
any of the group says nothing about any poker hand. Any poker hand is a collective of some particular
playing cards. The relationship between a poker hand and the playing cards is similar to that between
a letter and the letter carrier. The mailman’s role is just to carry the letter. The collective of playing
cards is just to be a physical vehicle to carry the information ”Full House”, for example. Just as the
weight of the mailman can tell you nothing about the letter he is carrying, the weight or any physical
characteristics of the playing cards, the carrier of the information, tells you nothing about the
information that is the poker hand in question. Information is the Physical Order, or Stable Patterns in which
solid pieces of matter are organized. Insulin for instance, is not the pieces of matter in which it is
Look at this piece of matter.
It's generic Amino Acid. The Protein Insulin is defined by its specific ordering of 51 Amino Acids.
Insulin is physically embodied by its Amino Acids. Let me put it this way. Speaking metaphorically, if
Insulin is a portrait, amino acid is the physical canvas in which it exists. Human Insulin is defined by
its amino acids but Human Insulin is not amino acids. The “portrait” Insulin, is not the amino acid
“canvas”. But the portrait cannot exist without the canvas. Human Insulin is a pattern imprint “portrait”
across an amino acid collective “canvas”. Each amino acid in the collective holds a piece of the saga.
The full saga, “Insulin”, can only be expressed by putting the pieces of the story, the amino acids,
together, and in the right order. Insulin is information expressed in matter. In other words, Insulin is
information “written in solid matter” but a “piece” of information is not the pieces of physical matter.
Insulin is physically embodied by its Amino Acids. Let me put it this way. Speaking metaphorically, if
Insulin is a portrait, amino acid is the physical canvas in which it exists. Human Insulin is defined by
its amino acids but Human Insulin is not amino acids. The “portrait” Insulin, is not the amino acid
“canvas”. But the portrait cannot exist without the canvas. Human Insulin is a pattern imprint “portrait”
across an amino acid collective “canvas”. Each amino acid in the collective holds a piece of the saga.
The full saga, “Insulin”, can only be expressed by putting the pieces of the story, the amino acids,
together, and in the right order. Insulin is information expressed in matter. In other words, Insulin is
information “written in solid matter” but a “piece” of information is not the pieces of physical matter.
Each unit of Human Insulin has 51 Amino Acids, organized in 2 chains. One chain contains 30. The
other contains 21. A particular amino acid occupies a definite position in its 2-chain hierarchy. Within
are in 4 specific positions. The Brown 30-chain has 3 Vals in positions 2, 12 and 18. The Green
21-chain has 1 Val in position 3 (starting from the “H2N“ Amine ends). Insulin is the amino acid
sequences shown here.
21-chain has 1 Val in position 3 (starting from the “H2N“ Amine ends). Insulin is the amino acid
Insulin’s structure is a specific ordering of its four Valines and other amino acids. Insulin is grounded
in amino acids but insulin is not amino acids. However, this does not mean it is nonphysical. Human
Insulin is physically grounded by its 51 amino acids. You may change the nature of Insulin by
removing or repositioning any of the four Valines. However, changing the stable pattern, or physical
ordering of the four valines that gives Insulin it's nature does not change the nature of Valine or any of
the other 51 amino acids making up Human Insulin.
Information is Stable Pattern. However, as it is Physical Order, Information is not non physical. Even though
it cannot be identified with any particular piece of matter, Information like Insulin has its basis in
physics. Information is not any given piece of physics and has no physical characteristics except
the pattern into which various assemblies of pieces of matter are structured. Let me stress this: a
“piece” of Information is a stable pattern in a collective as a whole, of physical stuff. Matter processes
and stores the patterns, or Information, it forms as more complex patterns. Rearrange or remove
some matter and its patterns, "Information", changes or disappears. Information is as nonphysical
as heat. Let me clarify by rephrasing the statement “Information is as nonphysical as heat”.
What I should have stated is Information is physical in the same way that Heat is physical.
Heat is the motion of particles. Information is the stable patterns in the ways in which particles
can be organized. You can handle hot water but you can’t hold Heat in your hand because
Heat is not a “thing”. What is Heat? It is the average random movement, or kinetics, of
microscopic particles like the water molecule H2O or the methane gas molecule CH4 used
to warm your house. When you get into hot water some of the Heat, or kinetics, of the
H2O molecules is transferred to your cells, causing an increase in your cells motion or
agitation that you sense as getting warmer or hotter. Similarly, when the rapidly moving
excited natural gas molecules CH4 hits your skin, your skin cells start to get excited which
you sense as warmth. Just as the basis of Heat is one molecule hitting another and causing
it to go faster or get increasingly excited, the basis of Information is the Stable Pattern into which
pieces of matter can be organised. You can’t remove the hot water’s Heat and hold it in your
hand because you can’t remove the motion of the water molecules from the molecules. You
can’t remove the pattern from the aggregate of material particles either. Stable Pattern is the
Physical Order of the aggregate physical particles but it is not any of those particles. Heat is
the motion or kinetic excitability of the microscopic material particles, H2O say, as a whole
but it is not any of those H2O particles. Information is frozen Physical Order. Information is not
ethereal or mysterious. Information is Physical Order. However, Information is not nonphysical
even though it cannot be identified with any particular piece of matter. Information has its
basis in physics but its not any given piece of physics or physical characteristics except
the pattern into which various assemblies of pieces of matter are organised.
Let me stress this: a “piece” of Information is a stable pattern in a collective as a whole, of
physical stuff. Matter processes and stores the patterns, or Information, it forms as more
complex patterns. Rearrange or remove some matter and its patterns, "Information", changes
or disappears. Information is as nonphysical as heat. Let me clarify by rephrasing the statement
“Information is as nonphysical as heat”. What I should have stated is Information is physical in the
same way that Heat is physical. Heat is the motion of particles. Information is the stable patterns in the ways
in which particles can be organized. You can handle hot water but you can’t hold Heat in your hand
because Heat is not a “thing”. What is Heat? It is the average random movement, or kinetics, of
microscopic particles like the water molecule H2O or the methane gas molecule CH4 used to warm
your house. When you get into hot water some of the Heat, or kinetics, of the H2O molecules is
transferred to your cells, causing an increase in your cells motion or agitation that you sense as
getting warmer or hotter. Similarly, when the rapidly moving excited natural gas molecules CH4
hits your skin, your skin cells start to get excited which you sense as warmth. Just as the basis
of Heat is one molecule hitting another and causing it to go faster or get increasingly excited,
the basis of Information is the Stable Pattern into which pieces of matter can be organised.
You can’t remove the hot water’s Heat and hold it in your hand because you can’t remove
the motion of the water molecules from the molecules. You can’t remove the pattern from the
aggregate of material particles either. Stable Pattern is the Physical Order of the aggregate physical
particles but it is not any of those particles. Heat is the motion or kinetic excitability of the
microscopic material particles, H2O say, as a whole but it is not any of those H2O particles.
Information is frozen Physical Order. Information is not ethereal or mysterious.
it cannot be identified with any particular piece of matter, Information like Insulin has its basis in
physics. Information is not any given piece of physics and has no physical characteristics except
the pattern into which various assemblies of pieces of matter are structured. Let me stress this: a
“piece” of Information is a stable pattern in a collective as a whole, of physical stuff. Matter processes
and stores the patterns, or Information, it forms as more complex patterns. Rearrange or remove
some matter and its patterns, "Information", changes or disappears. Information is as nonphysical
as heat. Let me clarify by rephrasing the statement “Information is as nonphysical as heat”.
What I should have stated is Information is physical in the same way that Heat is physical.
Heat is the motion of particles. Information is the stable patterns in the ways in which particles
can be organized. You can handle hot water but you can’t hold Heat in your hand because
Heat is not a “thing”. What is Heat? It is the average random movement, or kinetics, of
microscopic particles like the water molecule H2O or the methane gas molecule CH4 used
to warm your house. When you get into hot water some of the Heat, or kinetics, of the
H2O molecules is transferred to your cells, causing an increase in your cells motion or
agitation that you sense as getting warmer or hotter. Similarly, when the rapidly moving
excited natural gas molecules CH4 hits your skin, your skin cells start to get excited which
you sense as warmth. Just as the basis of Heat is one molecule hitting another and causing
it to go faster or get increasingly excited, the basis of Information is the Stable Pattern into which
pieces of matter can be organised. You can’t remove the hot water’s Heat and hold it in your
hand because you can’t remove the motion of the water molecules from the molecules. You
can’t remove the pattern from the aggregate of material particles either. Stable Pattern is the
Physical Order of the aggregate physical particles but it is not any of those particles. Heat is
the motion or kinetic excitability of the microscopic material particles, H2O say, as a whole
but it is not any of those H2O particles. Information is frozen Physical Order. Information is not
ethereal or mysterious. Information is Physical Order. However, Information is not nonphysical
even though it cannot be identified with any particular piece of matter. Information has its
basis in physics but its not any given piece of physics or physical characteristics except
the pattern into which various assemblies of pieces of matter are organised.
Let me stress this: a “piece” of Information is a stable pattern in a collective as a whole, of
physical stuff. Matter processes and stores the patterns, or Information, it forms as more
complex patterns. Rearrange or remove some matter and its patterns, "Information", changes
or disappears. Information is as nonphysical as heat. Let me clarify by rephrasing the statement
“Information is as nonphysical as heat”. What I should have stated is Information is physical in the
same way that Heat is physical. Heat is the motion of particles. Information is the stable patterns in the ways
in which particles can be organized. You can handle hot water but you can’t hold Heat in your hand
because Heat is not a “thing”. What is Heat? It is the average random movement, or kinetics, of
microscopic particles like the water molecule H2O or the methane gas molecule CH4 used to warm
your house. When you get into hot water some of the Heat, or kinetics, of the H2O molecules is
transferred to your cells, causing an increase in your cells motion or agitation that you sense as
getting warmer or hotter. Similarly, when the rapidly moving excited natural gas molecules CH4
hits your skin, your skin cells start to get excited which you sense as warmth. Just as the basis
of Heat is one molecule hitting another and causing it to go faster or get increasingly excited,
the basis of Information is the Stable Pattern into which pieces of matter can be organised.
You can’t remove the hot water’s Heat and hold it in your hand because you can’t remove
the motion of the water molecules from the molecules. You can’t remove the pattern from the
aggregate of material particles either. Stable Pattern is the Physical Order of the aggregate physical
particles but it is not any of those particles. Heat is the motion or kinetic excitability of the
microscopic material particles, H2O say, as a whole but it is not any of those H2O particles.
Information is frozen Physical Order. Information is not ethereal or mysterious.
An important property of matter is that matter computes, or is able to create, Information. Another
name for computing is "Information Processing". Just like Word Processing creates various story lines,
epics and instruction sets, matter-Information Processing creates viruses, bacteria, whales, tables, chairs and football stadiums. Another
important aspect of matter is, because it can exist as solids, the patterns into which matter may be
organised remain stable in space and through time. The solid states of matter endow information with
solidity. That is, the solid forms of matter may lock in stability and sturdiness in the patterns in which
pieces of matter are organised. Water is malleable and can take on almost any shape or pattern.
If you have water in a pattern called a STAR, if it freezes into solid ice that ”STAR Information” is more
stably and sturdily locked in. Because matter can exist in a solid form, the Physical Order STAR in
solid ice persists for a longer duration as compared to the Physical Order STAR in the liquid state. Matter
processes the Information Quantum Units p e u d g. These fundamental Information Units are stored as
patterns in matter and accumulates in matter. The Quantum Units are organized into simple patterns of
Information Composite Units like the meson and the baryon. These two units in the form the three
pi-mesons, or pions (plus pion: π+, minus pion: π-, chargeless pion: π0), for example, and the two baryons,
the proton (p) and the neutron (n), for instance, are processed, deposited and accumulates as more
complex Information Composite Units like the 3 different Hydrogen nuclei:
name for computing is "Information Processing". Just like Word Processing creates various story lines,
epics and instruction sets, matter-Information Processing creates viruses, bacteria, whales, tables, chairs and football stadiums. Another
important aspect of matter is, because it can exist as solids, the patterns into which matter may be
organised remain stable in space and through time. The solid states of matter endow information with
solidity. That is, the solid forms of matter may lock in stability and sturdiness in the patterns in which
pieces of matter are organised. Water is malleable and can take on almost any shape or pattern.
If you have water in a pattern called a STAR, if it freezes into solid ice that ”STAR Information” is more
stably and sturdily locked in. Because matter can exist in a solid form, the Physical Order STAR in
solid ice persists for a longer duration as compared to the Physical Order STAR in the liquid state. Matter
processes the Information Quantum Units p e u d g. These fundamental Information Units are stored as
patterns in matter and accumulates in matter. The Quantum Units are organized into simple patterns of
Information Composite Units like the meson and the baryon. These two units in the form the three
pi-mesons, or pions (plus pion: π+, minus pion: π-, chargeless pion: π0), for example, and the two baryons,
the proton (p) and the neutron (n), for instance, are processed, deposited and accumulates as more
complex Information Composite Units like the 3 different Hydrogen nuclei:
(Hydrogen nucleus:1p), (Deuterium nucleus:1p1n), (Tritium nucleus:1p2n)
and the most abundant Carbon nucleus: (Carbon 12: 6p6n)
Processing of nuclei generate the associated atoms.
The Carbon atom.
Here are examples of the next three levels of Information Composite Units. (1) The Chlorine gas unit, the
molecule, Cl2, is composed of two Chlorine atoms
(2) The animal cell
and (3) Society. The human individual is the Information Composite Unit of society.
These three levels are computed such that the next one is computed by the level below it. Information
has a hierarchical structure. A hierarchical structure is layered like an onion. Take the cellular and
human-social layers of structure. The cell is the building block and foundational structure of the
human-social. The molecule and the cell are the building blocks of the human structure. The layer
supporting the cell is the solid layer of the molecular. The layers supporting man are the solid
molecular and cellular structures, in that order. This onion-like layered ordering could not have been
otherwise. The stable structure of the molecular is directly below the cell structure, giving it order and
stability. The cell structure in turn endows the human-social with order and stability. Humanity, or
society, is the most complex Information Composite Unit. Man is capable of computing the synthesis of
hadron units like the meson and the baryon Composite Units within The Large Hadron Collider at CERN,
for example. Humanity is able to compute the synthesis of the four more complex Information
Composite Units, which increases in complexity from the nuclei in Nuclear Physics, the atom in Atomic
Physics, the molecule in Chemistry & Biochemistry, the cell in Cell Biology & Multicellular Biology. The
very complex human society Information Composite Unit processes and accumulates Knowledge and
Knowhow. Knowledge is the acquisition of the vast human storehouse of Information through physics,
chemistry, biology, sociology and psychology and other disciplines of learning and Knowledge creation.
Knowhow are the blueprints of artefacts generated from the store of Knowledge. Examples in the
modern world are blueprints for smartphones, artificial intelligence, The Internet and the like. Human
society is the embodiment of Knowledge and Knowhow.
has a hierarchical structure. A hierarchical structure is layered like an onion. Take the cellular and
human-social layers of structure. The cell is the building block and foundational structure of the
human-social. The molecule and the cell are the building blocks of the human structure. The layer
supporting the cell is the solid layer of the molecular. The layers supporting man are the solid
molecular and cellular structures, in that order. This onion-like layered ordering could not have been
otherwise. The stable structure of the molecular is directly below the cell structure, giving it order and
stability. The cell structure in turn endows the human-social with order and stability. Humanity, or
society, is the most complex Information Composite Unit. Man is capable of computing the synthesis of
hadron units like the meson and the baryon Composite Units within The Large Hadron Collider at CERN,
for example. Humanity is able to compute the synthesis of the four more complex Information
Composite Units, which increases in complexity from the nuclei in Nuclear Physics, the atom in Atomic
Physics, the molecule in Chemistry & Biochemistry, the cell in Cell Biology & Multicellular Biology. The
very complex human society Information Composite Unit processes and accumulates Knowledge and
Knowhow. Knowledge is the acquisition of the vast human storehouse of Information through physics,
chemistry, biology, sociology and psychology and other disciplines of learning and Knowledge creation.
Knowhow are the blueprints of artefacts generated from the store of Knowledge. Examples in the
modern world are blueprints for smartphones, artificial intelligence, The Internet and the like. Human
society is the embodiment of Knowledge and Knowhow.
Knowledge and Knowhow is Information that is created, developed and evolved in a process involving
(A) a problem in search of a solution, (B) conjectures with claims to being a solution, (C) refutation to
weed out all the unfit conjectures, (D) the elevation of one of the conjectures as the best solution. And
(E) the retention and accumulation of the solution. I'll elaborate. The creation of Knowledge and
Knowhow start out with a problem. Knowledge/Theory candidates, competing to be the answer, go
through a withering gauntlet of refutation called The Scientific Method. The Knowledge, or Theory
hypothesis that survives the tests of The Scientific Method, especially its Peer Review process and its
Falsification Tests, is elevated from Theory Conjecture, or Knowledge Conjecture to the status of True
Knowledge, or True Theory. A new piece of Knowledge that comes into being through this process is
added to the human storehouse of Knowledge, resulting in the furtherance of Knowledge and
Knowhow Information evolution.
(A) a problem in search of a solution, (B) conjectures with claims to being a solution, (C) refutation to
weed out all the unfit conjectures, (D) the elevation of one of the conjectures as the best solution. And
(E) the retention and accumulation of the solution. I'll elaborate. The creation of Knowledge and
Knowhow start out with a problem. Knowledge/Theory candidates, competing to be the answer, go
through a withering gauntlet of refutation called The Scientific Method. The Knowledge, or Theory
hypothesis that survives the tests of The Scientific Method, especially its Peer Review process and its
Falsification Tests, is elevated from Theory Conjecture, or Knowledge Conjecture to the status of True
Knowledge, or True Theory. A new piece of Knowledge that comes into being through this process is
added to the human storehouse of Knowledge, resulting in the furtherance of Knowledge and
Knowhow Information evolution.
13.8 Billion years ago complexity, or the development and evolution of Information, started with the
simplest Information Units, the Quanta. The five stable Quantum Units are the up & down Quarks, the
gluon, the electron and the photon. The five Quanta grew the next rungs of the ladder of Information, the
Hadron rungs. The Baryon and the Meson are Hadrons. The stable Baryons are the Proton and the
Neutron. The Proton is composed of two up and one down Quarks uud held together
by the strong force of the gluon. The Neutron has one up and two down Quarks udd held together by the
simplest Information Units, the Quanta. The five stable Quantum Units are the up & down Quarks, the
gluon, the electron and the photon. The five Quanta grew the next rungs of the ladder of Information, the
Hadron rungs. The Baryon and the Meson are Hadrons. The stable Baryons are the Proton and the
by the strong force of the gluon. The Neutron has one up and two down Quarks udd held together by the
The two Baryons p and n, bonded by the three
example, processed the Nucleus. The Atom in turn was processed.
the electromagnetic force, binds Electrons and Nucleus creating the atom. The Material side of Reality
continued its work through eons of time, using stars. Our Sun is a huge ball of hydrogen gas. The
thermonuclear reaction in stars fuses hydrogen atoms.
This thermonuclear fusion ”computes” the elements heavier than hydrogen like carbon, oxygen, iron,
silver, gold and uranium and so on. Hydrogen is the “Information processing” raw material used to
generate the more than one hundred Nuclei above hydrogen and the corresponding Atoms. For
example, The Helium nucleus:
silver, gold and uranium and so on. Hydrogen is the “Information processing” raw material used to
generate the more than one hundred Nuclei above hydrogen and the corresponding Atoms. For
example, The Helium nucleus:
The corresponding Helium atom:
The evolution of Information progressed through the Atom to the Molecule.
Mother Nature’s chemistry developed and accumulated countless molecules through the ages,
including the molecules DNA
including the molecules DNA
& RNA. DNA & RNA computed the Cell.
The Cell,
the simplest form of Life, evolved and accumulated, playing a stand out role in the development of
Complex Information,
Complex Information,
Multicellular Life.
with its Mind and Consciousness. Brain with its Mind and its Consciousness grew and was particularly
instrumental in the quickening pace of the evolution of Human Society, or Humanity. The Human
Individual, the Unit of Society and the foundation of human imagination, synthesized Information in
society. Humanity transformed Knowledge and Knowhow into Tools and Complex Information
Technology, which mightily augmented man’s abilities and helped to accumulate an abundance of
resources. At the heart of the social is a driving force, man’s imagination. The imagination of humanity
assisted Mother Nature in the creation of more complex complexity, accelerating the progress, growth,
development and evolution of Information.
instrumental in the quickening pace of the evolution of Human Society, or Humanity. The Human
Individual, the Unit of Society and the foundation of human imagination, synthesized Information in
society. Humanity transformed Knowledge and Knowhow into Tools and Complex Information
Technology, which mightily augmented man’s abilities and helped to accumulate an abundance of
resources. At the heart of the social is a driving force, man’s imagination. The imagination of humanity
assisted Mother Nature in the creation of more complex complexity, accelerating the progress, growth,
development and evolution of Information.
I read Moby Dick many decades ago as a teenager. I Even remember the Moby Dick copy I read all
those years ago was five hundred and fifty plus pages. I borrowed Moby Dick
from my school library. My “school library” was a large school bus converted into a mobile library. It
had no seats. The spaces where there were once rows of seats were now rows and columns of many
shelves of books. The library came once a week. We could borrow up to three books that we had to
return after seven days. Moby Dick was a classic work of fiction but I garnered a great deal of
information about the number of species of whales, their various sizes and much more besides.
Ishmael, the character telling the story, says that sperm whales “were the largest creatures on Earth”
and that the fictional albino whale was 90 feet long. However, he was mistaken. The largest animal on
Earth is in fact the Blue Whale.
had no seats. The spaces where there were once rows of seats were now rows and columns of many
shelves of books. The library came once a week. We could borrow up to three books that we had to
return after seven days. Moby Dick was a classic work of fiction but I garnered a great deal of
information about the number of species of whales, their various sizes and much more besides.
Ishmael, the character telling the story, says that sperm whales “were the largest creatures on Earth”
and that the fictional albino whale was 90 feet long. However, he was mistaken. The largest animal on
Earth is in fact the Blue Whale.
Blue Whales can reach 98 feet long and longer, which is more than 17 times the height of an average
man and 11 times as tall as the tallest man in the world {Robert Pershing Wadlow: 8ft 11in (USA)}
The author, the American novelist Herman Melville, can be forgiven because the Blue Whale was
unknown then. Moby Dick aka “The Whale”, is an albino white sperm whale. Moby Dick, the fictional
whale in the novel, was actually named after an albino whale in the 1800’s called Mocha Dick. The
novel was partially based on that real-life sperm whale. I do recall though that Moby Dick was written in
1851, decades after Mocha Dick was hunted to death . . . Okay, I'll end my Moby Dick recollections
unknown then. Moby Dick aka “The Whale”, is an albino white sperm whale. Moby Dick, the fictional
whale in the novel, was actually named after an albino whale in the 1800’s called Mocha Dick. The
novel was partially based on that real-life sperm whale. I do recall though that Moby Dick was written in
1851, decades after Mocha Dick was hunted to death . . . Okay, I'll end my Moby Dick recollections
The point I am trying to make with Moby Dick is that we usually only regard information about people,
information about animals and information about other physical objects and things as “information”, like
that written in books; news reported by TV broadcastings; song lyrics and sheet music; reportings on the
radio; information on the internet and smartphones in the form of video, audio and written articles; text
messages; spoken and written instructions, and our thoughts, etc. We hardly ever, and most of us never
regard physical objects such as the flat screen TV itself, our smartphone devices, the physical books written
in, and people themselves speaking and writing, as information. In the broadest sense, information is Stable
Patterns in matter, or Physical Order. In books: information is the pattern of the ink-made symbols. On the TV:
information is Physical Order and Stable Patterns of the sound waves and the light waves. When we describe the
pictures and the video we record we talk “megapixels”. Well, pixels are physical. A pixel is the unit of a
graphic. That is, the smallest physical picture element (from pics/pix and el/element) of a graphical display like
pictures and video on your iPad. The physical embodiment of pixels are photons and electrons. It is the
Physical Order or the Stable Patterns in which photons and electrons making up the picture elements, or pixels,
are organized that is the information called Image and Video. When I talked about whales, for example, I
gave information that Moby Dick was based on an actual albino sperm whale called Mocha Dick. And
that the fictional whale is an albino white whale 90 feet long. I also relayed information about the Blue
Whale being the largest animal on Earth. I informed you in this context that the tallest person on Earth
is an American male. There was also information concerning my mobile school library, that it was a
school bus that was turned into a mobile library. When we “talk about”, “describe an object”, “send
messages about things”, etc, this is one form of information. This “About Things” form of information is
easy to transmit from place to place from time to time, as a message. If someone desires information
about your goldfish, you can supply that information in one of two ways. Option 1. Send the goldfish to
the person. Option 2. Send a picture of the goldfish. Supplying the information in either form is not very
hard. For a goldfish. However, it becomes exceedingly more difficult if the person now asks for
information about The Empire State Building in Manhattan. The Empire State skyscraper itself is
information. A text pix about The Empire State Building is also information. Your best choice here is
Option 2. Our usual meaning of information is the message type, Option 2. The nature of Information
can appear to be ethereal, unsubstantial and mysterious when it's not viewed as what it in fact is,
Physical Order. That is, Stable Patterns into which matter can be organised. More times than not we only view
information as things we “talk, read and sing about”, as “descriptions, instructions and blueprints of
objects” and “sending and receiving messages”, and book information”. We hardly ever regard
information as also being objects themselves. But a material object is a form of information. We look at
a child in the park swinging on a swing and we don't realize that the swing is information embodied in
matter. This happens because information is not tangible. You could refashion the pattern swing into a
toy aeroplane pattern and various other patterns of your choosing. That is, change the information aeroplane
into which the material was organized into the information Spiderman action figure, for instance. As stated
earlier, “Information is as physical as heat is physical”. Heat is the agitation of particles. The particles’
agitation is not the particles. Just as you can't isolate the particles’ agitation from the particles, you can't
remove the stable patterns, or the physical order, into which pieces of matter are organized, from the pieces of
matter. And the order (as opposed to disorder) into which physical matter is organized is Information.
Information is both the stable patterns called letters, words, numbers and music symbols as well as the stable patterns
in matter called tables and chairs. A jigsaw puzzle consists of pieces of matter. The image or scenery
it exhibits is not any one of the physical jigsaw pieces contributing to it. However, without the physical
pieces the information that is the scenery would not and could not be. Information aka order, aka
pattern, aka the nonmaterial, is materially embodied. Before we made cruise ships, lamborghinies and
rocket ships we imagined them. When we then instantiated our imaginings as patterns in
matter, our imagination literally took flight.
information about animals and information about other physical objects and things as “information”, like
that written in books; news reported by TV broadcastings; song lyrics and sheet music; reportings on the
radio; information on the internet and smartphones in the form of video, audio and written articles; text
messages; spoken and written instructions, and our thoughts, etc. We hardly ever, and most of us never
regard physical objects such as the flat screen TV itself, our smartphone devices, the physical books written
in, and people themselves speaking and writing, as information. In the broadest sense, information is Stable
Patterns in matter, or Physical Order. In books: information is the pattern of the ink-made symbols. On the TV:
information is Physical Order and Stable Patterns of the sound waves and the light waves. When we describe the
pictures and the video we record we talk “megapixels”. Well, pixels are physical. A pixel is the unit of a
graphic. That is, the smallest physical picture element (from pics/pix and el/element) of a graphical display like
pictures and video on your iPad. The physical embodiment of pixels are photons and electrons. It is the
Physical Order or the Stable Patterns in which photons and electrons making up the picture elements, or pixels,
are organized that is the information called Image and Video. When I talked about whales, for example, I
gave information that Moby Dick was based on an actual albino sperm whale called Mocha Dick. And
that the fictional whale is an albino white whale 90 feet long. I also relayed information about the Blue
Whale being the largest animal on Earth. I informed you in this context that the tallest person on Earth
is an American male. There was also information concerning my mobile school library, that it was a
school bus that was turned into a mobile library. When we “talk about”, “describe an object”, “send
messages about things”, etc, this is one form of information. This “About Things” form of information is
easy to transmit from place to place from time to time, as a message. If someone desires information
about your goldfish, you can supply that information in one of two ways. Option 1. Send the goldfish to
the person. Option 2. Send a picture of the goldfish. Supplying the information in either form is not very
hard. For a goldfish. However, it becomes exceedingly more difficult if the person now asks for
information about The Empire State Building in Manhattan. The Empire State skyscraper itself is
information. A text pix about The Empire State Building is also information. Your best choice here is
Option 2. Our usual meaning of information is the message type, Option 2. The nature of Information
can appear to be ethereal, unsubstantial and mysterious when it's not viewed as what it in fact is,
Physical Order. That is, Stable Patterns into which matter can be organised. More times than not we only view
information as things we “talk, read and sing about”, as “descriptions, instructions and blueprints of
objects” and “sending and receiving messages”, and book information”. We hardly ever regard
information as also being objects themselves. But a material object is a form of information. We look at
a child in the park swinging on a swing and we don't realize that the swing is information embodied in
matter. This happens because information is not tangible. You could refashion the pattern swing into a
toy aeroplane pattern and various other patterns of your choosing. That is, change the information aeroplane
into which the material was organized into the information Spiderman action figure, for instance. As stated
earlier, “Information is as physical as heat is physical”. Heat is the agitation of particles. The particles’
agitation is not the particles. Just as you can't isolate the particles’ agitation from the particles, you can't
remove the stable patterns, or the physical order, into which pieces of matter are organized, from the pieces of
matter. And the order (as opposed to disorder) into which physical matter is organized is Information.
Information is both the stable patterns called letters, words, numbers and music symbols as well as the stable patterns
in matter called tables and chairs. A jigsaw puzzle consists of pieces of matter. The image or scenery
it exhibits is not any one of the physical jigsaw pieces contributing to it. However, without the physical
pieces the information that is the scenery would not and could not be. Information aka order, aka
pattern, aka the nonmaterial, is materially embodied. Before we made cruise ships, lamborghinies and
rocket ships we imagined them. When we then instantiated our imaginings as patterns in
Information has been growing more complex since the Big Bang birth of The Universe. Information
started out as simple physical order in atoms and molecules. Information became more complex in
living organisms. Information as Humanity and Society is more complex still. The evolution of
Information as societal artefacts, or imagination physically embodied, and “about things” we talk, write,
paint and sing about, is growing at a blindingly blistering rapid pace. I reiterate: The development and
evolution of Information in stable patterns of matter in nature: atoms, water molecules, RNA
& DNA molecules, plants, animals, human society, and the development and evolution of
information in society: the arrow, spear, the stone axe, the wheel, automobiles, trains, jet
planes, nuclear powered submarines, hundred story structures and space rockets, as well as
the stories we imagine, seem the most significant aspect of Reality.
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