Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"I" Exist In and Out of Space and Time. Space-Time Exists as Experiences Only Within "I"

Where and when am "I", you ask?

Lindsey Chang, are you a body or not a body?  If you were to remove your persona, 'Lindsey Chang', that you have convinced yourself:

"This is who I am, 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang' who is living and working in Monterrey California. I am not a Persona of the so called 'real me', a model, an actor standing in for a 'consciousness'. The real me is a natural sentient being, a separate sentient individual living an independent existence in the Universe”. 

What would remain if this 'Linny' is erased from the scene? YOU would be experiencing the scenery 'minus the Lindsey-Chang-Persona', right? But where is this real YOU? Absolutely and without a doubt you exist for sure because you are knowingly aware that, in this moment, something is having experiences in space and time. The who or what in this moment that is observing and experiencing the present scenery is the real you. This entity, Consciousness Itself, observes, experiences and lives in the ordinary world through its 'Lin Persona'. 'Lin', as a Gene Meme Sentient Being, can be knowledgeable and intuitively aware of consciousness. However, the truth is, 'Lin' cannot, and will never be able to see Consciousness Itself because She does not have A face. Consciousness Itself as she exists in The Multiverse is many-faced and multidimensional.


A sentient being is how Conscious Awareness represents itself having everyday ordinary experiences within everyday ordinary existence. Consciousness may become lost in everyday ordinary reality because she can become thoroughly convinced she is a mere sentient being living an everyday existence and not one of her Conscious-Awareness-personas. She reasons, even if mistakenly:

’Sentient Being means I am, in reality, part consciousness and part physical body. However my spirit, my mind, my soul and my consciousness reside inside thismy physical body'.

Because the real you, "I", Consciousness, is everything and everywhere, there is nothing and nowhere you can point at and say: 

'There it is, this right here at this spot is my consciousness, my real self!'

The real picture is that Consciousness spontaneously generates experiences within ordinary reality, including sentient beings. This is the exact opposite of the sentiment above. The sentiment above is actually standing on its head. Turn it right side up: The body, mind, soul and spirit resides only within your Consciousness. The sentient being 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang who is living and working in Monterrey California', is only one of the many faces of Conscious Awareness. Sentient beings cannot physically experience Conscious Awareness. And sentient life is only capable of being aware because the thing they themselves are unable to See, Hear, Feel, Touch and Smell, Consciousness Itself, allows them the awareness to See, Hear, Feel, Touch and Smell.

If you could have a direct dialogue with Consciousness Itself the result would be enigmatic:

LIN: "Consciousness? Where are you, show yourself?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am simultaneously inside and outside of reality"

LIN: "Can we talk. May I come outside so I can see you?"


LIN: "Why 'No'?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "Because for you outside of reality does not exist"

LIN: "Well then, let's keep it real. Why don't you return to reality?"



CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am reality. And I am already inside!"

LIN: "But I don't see you! Where are you exactly!?"

CONSCIOUSNESS:  "I am all that is real. I am everywhere sentient life is. You are Me, LIN. I am You"



Consciousness Evolving and The Destiny of Consciousness

Consciousness existed from before the beginning. The Big Bang birth of The Universe awakened it from its eternal slumber. As The Universe ballooned into the space and time created by consciousness, consciousness itself allowed The Universe the opportunity to become a vehicle in which Consciousness would blossom and flourish as The Universe expanded forward in time. The Universe is the material vehicle through which Consciousness Itself explores and experiences the reality it is creating as it floats on the waves of time.

The destiny of life and culture and Consciousness in the form of Personas, is to serve as vehicles of safe passage for Genes and Memes and Consciousness Itself, as they continue onward forward. As Consciousness Itself in the form of personas fulfills its life destiny, it may indulge in its life experiences with gusto.  As Consciousness Itself is ferried into future generations by its personas, its life is renewed and refreshed. Consciousness itself is forever old and forever young; it's been traveling for near eternity as it is ferried by its past-present-and-future personas forward. The unending generations of its personas sustains and renews it through the Eternal Future.

Personas (you, Rich and I) of Memes, Genes and Consciousness itself travel through time for a few decades. Memes have been traveling through time for millions of years. Genes have traveled through time for billions of years, but Consciousness Itself has been surfing effortlessly through the ages and the eons for trillions upon quadrillions of years!

The Reality Hierarchy
Consciousness Itself

Information=Consciousness Itself

Patterns of Information=Bits of The Laws of Physics

Patterns of The Laws of Physics=Bits of Quantum Strings

Patterns of Quantum Strings=Quantized Particles

Patterns of Quantized Particles=Fermions/Bosons

Patterns of Fermions/Bosons=Organizations of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics

Patterns of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics=Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons

Patterns of Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons=Protons/Neutrons/Atoms

Patterns of Protons/Neutrons/Atoms=Chemistry

Patterns of Chemistry=Carbon Chemistry

Patterns of Carbon Chemistry=DNA/MessengerRNA (MRNA)

Patterns of DNA/MRNA=TransferRNA(TRNA)/Amino Acids

Patterns of Amino Acids=Proteins

Patterns of Proteins=Life/Biology/Humanity

Patterns of masses of Humanity=Culture

The Reality Hierarchy is the blossoming of complex patterns of Interconnected Networks of the patterns above

Consciousness evolving is the organized blossoming of patterns of The Reality Hierarchy evolving

Consciousness complexly evolved, or Consciousness Itself, or highly organized patterns of Information, is The Reality Hierarchy complexly blossoming into patterns of complexly organized networks of flourishing Culture

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