Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"I" Exist In and Out of Space and Time. Space-Time Exists as Experiences Only Within "I"

Where and when am "I", you ask?

Lindsey Chang, are you a body or not a body?  If you were to remove your persona, 'Lindsey Chang', that you have convinced yourself:

"This is who I am, 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang' who is living and working in Monterrey California. I am not a Persona of the so called 'real me', a model, an actor standing in for a 'consciousness'. The real me is a natural sentient being, a separate sentient individual living an independent existence in the Universe”. 

What would remain if this 'Linny' is erased from the scene? YOU would be experiencing the scenery 'minus the Lindsey-Chang-Persona', right? But where is this real YOU? Absolutely and without a doubt you exist for sure because you are knowingly aware that, in this moment, something is having experiences in space and time. The who or what in this moment that is observing and experiencing the present scenery is the real you. This entity, Consciousness Itself, observes, experiences and lives in the ordinary world through its 'Lin Persona'. 'Lin', as a Gene Meme Sentient Being, can be knowledgeable and intuitively aware of consciousness. However, the truth is, 'Lin' cannot, and will never be able to see Consciousness Itself because She does not have A face. Consciousness Itself as she exists in The Multiverse is many-faced and multidimensional.


A sentient being is how Conscious Awareness represents itself having everyday ordinary experiences within everyday ordinary existence. Consciousness may become lost in everyday ordinary reality because she can become thoroughly convinced she is a mere sentient being living an everyday existence and not one of her Conscious-Awareness-personas. She reasons, even if mistakenly:

’Sentient Being means I am, in reality, part consciousness and part physical body. However my spirit, my mind, my soul and my consciousness reside inside thismy physical body'.

Because the real you, "I", Consciousness, is everything and everywhere, there is nothing and nowhere you can point at and say: 

'There it is, this right here at this spot is my consciousness, my real self!'

The real picture is that Consciousness spontaneously generates experiences within ordinary reality, including sentient beings. This is the exact opposite of the sentiment above. The sentiment above is actually standing on its head. Turn it right side up: The body, mind, soul and spirit resides only within your Consciousness. The sentient being 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang who is living and working in Monterrey California', is only one of the many faces of Conscious Awareness. Sentient beings cannot physically experience Conscious Awareness. And sentient life is only capable of being aware because the thing they themselves are unable to See, Hear, Feel, Touch and Smell, Consciousness Itself, allows them the awareness to See, Hear, Feel, Touch and Smell.

If you could have a direct dialogue with Consciousness Itself the result would be enigmatic:

LIN: "Consciousness? Where are you, show yourself?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am simultaneously inside and outside of reality"

LIN: "Can we talk. May I come outside so I can see you?"


LIN: "Why 'No'?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "Because for you outside of reality does not exist"

LIN: "Well then, let's keep it real. Why don't you return to reality?"



CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am reality. And I am already inside!"

LIN: "But I don't see you! Where are you exactly!?"

CONSCIOUSNESS:  "I am all that is real. I am everywhere sentient life is. You are Me, LIN. I am You"



Consciousness Evolving and The Destiny of Consciousness

Consciousness existed from before the beginning. The Big Bang birth of The Universe awakened it from its eternal slumber. As The Universe ballooned into the space and time created by consciousness, consciousness itself allowed The Universe the opportunity to become a vehicle in which Consciousness would blossom and flourish as The Universe expanded forward in time. The Universe is the material vehicle through which Consciousness Itself explores and experiences the reality it is creating as it floats on the waves of time.

The destiny of life and culture and Consciousness in the form of Personas, is to serve as vehicles of safe passage for Genes and Memes and Consciousness Itself, as they continue onward forward. As Consciousness Itself in the form of personas fulfills its life destiny, it may indulge in its life experiences with gusto.  As Consciousness Itself is ferried into future generations by its personas, its life is renewed and refreshed. Consciousness itself is forever old and forever young; it's been traveling for near eternity as it is ferried by its past-present-and-future personas forward. The unending generations of its personas sustains and renews it through the Eternal Future.

Personas (you, Rich and I) of Memes, Genes and Consciousness itself travel through time for a few decades. Memes have been traveling through time for millions of years. Genes have traveled through time for billions of years, but Consciousness Itself has been surfing effortlessly through the ages and the eons for trillions upon quadrillions of years!

The Reality Hierarchy
Consciousness Itself

Information=Consciousness Itself

Patterns of Information=Bits of The Laws of Physics

Patterns of The Laws of Physics=Bits of Quantum Strings

Patterns of Quantum Strings=Quantized Particles

Patterns of Quantized Particles=Fermions/Bosons

Patterns of Fermions/Bosons=Organizations of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics

Patterns of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics=Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons

Patterns of Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons=Protons/Neutrons/Atoms

Patterns of Protons/Neutrons/Atoms=Chemistry

Patterns of Chemistry=Carbon Chemistry

Patterns of Carbon Chemistry=DNA/MessengerRNA (MRNA)

Patterns of DNA/MRNA=TransferRNA(TRNA)/Amino Acids

Patterns of Amino Acids=Proteins

Patterns of Proteins=Life/Biology/Humanity

Patterns of masses of Humanity=Culture

The Reality Hierarchy is the blossoming of complex patterns of Interconnected Networks of the patterns above

Consciousness evolving is the organized blossoming of patterns of The Reality Hierarchy evolving

Consciousness complexly evolved, or Consciousness Itself, or highly organized patterns of Information, is The Reality Hierarchy complexly blossoming into patterns of complexly organized networks of flourishing Culture

MY GRANDMA: CONSTANCE "Connie" Vale-Edwards: 
 February 25th 1922 - September (?) 1993

Connie was unborn in 1921. Connie was not UNBORN from 1922 - 1993. She was UNBORN before Feb 25th 1922, and she became UNBORN again in 1993

Connie is not dead; Connie exists in CONSCIOUSNESS. From my perspective she currently resides in the MYSTERY region of CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, outside of space and time, outside of our ordinary experiences. In the fullness of time she will return from the MYSTERY region of CONSCIOUSNESS to live, once again, within the mundane experiences of ordinary space-time. Connie lives now only in Metaphysical Experiences.

It’s like a DVD disk and a DVD Player:

Before February 25th 1922 Connie only existed as "unplayed music on DVD". Between 1922 and 1993 Connie existed as " live music" playing in the DVD Player. The Sweet Music that is Connie will be played again and again in the fullness of time.

The Theme of "Connie's Song" played melodiously throughout seven decades. It’s 2015 now. The theme of "Connie's Song" exists; but it is not being played at this moment. At this moment it exists as a song-meme sitting in a file on cloud-99. The "Connie's Song" meme will play many times over in unique expressions within the fullness of time and in a cherished place that is Positively Heavenly!.

The truth is that the "Connie's Song" meme cannot be created or destroyed. The promise is that our beloved Connie  will be returned to us, at long last,  from Consciousness's Mystery Region to Consciousness's Space-time Region. The truth is that Connie and we will sing her memes and dance her themes again in a better place in some wonderful future time.

The essence of Connie's Song lives on! Connie lives renewed in rich expressions that are her sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grands. Her great grandchildren will continue to pass on her wisdom to their own sons and daughters. And they in turn will express the cultured pearls of “Connie Song Family Jewels” to untold generations of descendants.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Memes, Memotype, Phemotype and Cultural Life

Memes and we are of primary importance to the operation and maintenance of cultural life. The vehicle through which these operations are accomplished is the harnessing together of us, memes and phemotypes.  A meme is inherently a replicator. That is, its primary concern is to be copied as many times as is "humanly possible”. You, I and the rest of humanity are conscious self aware sentient beings swimming in a vast ocean of memes and phemotype cultural phenomena. Memotypes and phemotypes are the necessary cultural tools we make and use to explore and enjoy the rich cultural lives that we create.

A Genotype is the genetic blueprint information for building the body of a biological organism. A memotype is also blueprint information, but its information that instructs the building of cultural "organisms".  A memotype is a tight knit grouping of memes working together to build and maintain a given cultural artifact (In addition to things like The George Washington Bridge, Yankee Stadium, ‘The Price Is Right’, Disney World and TGI Fridays,  "cultural artifact" includes human  behavior and experiences). This is similar to the genes in biology. Genes are organized in a cooperative set called a genotype. This genotype is a highly structured team working tightly together to build and maintain the body (phenotype) and (genetically determined behavior) of a plant or animal. In an analogous manner a phemotype is a tight knit closely cooperating band of memes. The body of a biological organism is the phenotypic expression of its genotype. Similarly a "Phemotype”, or the "body" of a cultural artifact, is the cultural expression of that cultural artifact's memotype.

Let's begin our foray into the world of memes, memotypes, phemotypes and the cultural lives they lead with:


A useful meme like the 'Fire Making’ meme blueprint has been copied many times, and have survived through countless human generations. In fact the 'fire’ blueprint meme has been a part of human cultural life for more than a million years. This meme instructs the making of cooking and heating types of fires, for example. Because these types of fires were and are important in our lives we constantly copy and use them. Like all memes, 'Fire' is replicated or copied when our children, friends and neighbors imitate what we do when they watch us make an actual cooking fire. The actual cooking fire experience (the 'fire' meme's phemotype expression) is imitated by our children and friends, and then they will memorize or write down (copy/replicate) the 'fire' meme (instructions/information) that they get from us.

The 'cooking fire' meme information has been copied countless times through countless generations of human culture and will continue to be replicated because this knowledge is crucially important in any and all human cultures in making a cooking fire. The 'cooking fire' phemotype, the actual cooking fire itself, is how the 'cooking fire’ meme instructions are expressed and used in cultural life.

If we did not make and use these memotype-phemotype tools our culture would not continue to grow, develop and evolve. Without the blueprint know-how of memes, the operations of culture are not able to be maintained and passed on to future generations. Our human culture is constructed within a meme-matrix. Memes, their phemotypes and the cultural life they create that are passed on to our descendants survive; those that fail to be passed on become extinct. A meme is in a life and death struggle with other rival memes to survive into future generations of our descendants.

Due to this rivalry, a meme can become a “problem child”. Because a meme “lives to be copied”, or replicated, it really does not care about anything else. It is in a life and death struggle with other meme rivals to be replicated. The motto of any meme is:


You might think a meme’s interest will always coincide with your interests. Not always. For example, take a meme like

‘Suicide Bomber’. Like all memes,
its only purpose is to be copied. It will ‘do anything’ to be copied as many times as is “Humanly Possible”. It will join up with this meme:

"When I Die I Will Go To Heaven and be provided with 72 VIRGINS", whose only

‘purpose in life’, like all memes, is to be replicated as many times as is 

“Humanly Possible”.

Here is the problem with memes. Memes are two-edged swords.  The overwhelming majority are tools that are used to do good. However, there are very evil memes, evil viral memes, out there in the real world, and all they care about is making and spreading their deadly virulent phemotypes in order to create pure havoc in the world. Meme-viruses can only operate by getting into people’s minds. They can literally control your mind and brainwash you into performing their evil deeds! (or, in the case of good memes,  GOOD WORKS!). Evil memes will make themselves very attractive to some people, take over their minds and will these people into evil monsters.  The "Suicide Bomber" meme that has made these men and women psychotic, convinces them that their destiny is to be martyrs for God. ISIS, for example, spreads evil and dangerous memes over the internet. They infect the minds of innocent youngsters and unassuming individuals, give them evil thoughts and make them behave like monsters; like beheading innocent men, women and children in the name of “Religion and God”. Memes will join up with other memes into evil syndicate meme-gangs in order to carry out their dirty evil deeds best.

The ganging together, for example, of the "Suicide Bomber" meme and the meme, "When I Die I Will Go To Heaven and be provided with 72 VIRGINS", will take over a susceptible mind easier than just the "Suicide Bomber" meme. The first meme is made more attractive by the second meme to an individual who is fanatic or psychotic enough (or Religiously fanatic enough) to strap a bomb to his body with the intent of blowing up and killing as many innocent men, women and children as he can ("In the name of Allaaaah!!!"). When these evil syndicate meme-gangs become viral they can do a lot of damage to many minds and to much innocent lives as is “Humanly Possible”.

The "When I Die I Will Go To Heaven and be provided with 72 VIRGINS"
meme might have encouraged and emboldened the suicide-bomber-hijackers who murdered more than 3000 innocent souls when they utterly annihilated the World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11th 2001.

Large worldwide meme syndicates like some organized religions pose a serious threat to the survival of humanity. Religions like Christianity and Islam infect billions of human minds worldwide. Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims feel very threatened by liberal western societies. The ideas of science and liberal democracy are becoming more accepted by educated people. The fundamentalist religionists consider science and liberal culture an "Evil Religion". The "Fundamentalist God" has tasked the fundamentalist to eradicate this "'EVIL' from the Face of The Earth". It appears science and liberal culture is in a life and death struggle with the worldwide organized religions controlled by fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. The last time fundamentalist religions ruled Earth, civilization was lost in "The Dark Ages" for more than a thousand years!! As this struggle continues the fate of the world and civilization hangs in the balance.

As you can see, memes can take over our lives to accomplish their bidding. More times than not in your daily life the interests of memes and your interests coincide. However, When bad selfish memes get into your head they can control your mind and get you to behave in ways that can be quite harmful to you, your family, your dear friends and innocent individuals. Please, be mindful of how memes can use you; they may turn you into their tools

                                                            MEME & CULTURE

Just as a gene is the unit of biological design, a meme is the unit of cultural design. Just as a kitten, a dandelion, a virus and a bacterium are the phenotype expressions of their genes, cultural ‘organisms' like a game of pool, a Barbie Doll, a Fighter Jet breaking the sound barrier, dancing to the song and music of “It’s All About The Base”, and a Rock Star smashing her guitar on stage are the phemotype expressions of their memes. Plants and animals are how genotypes ready themselves and dress up to explore their world. Iron smelting, cotton picking, golfing, Merry-Go-Rounds, break dancing, Hip-Hop music and World War II are just a few of the countless and myriad ways in which  memotypes work, play, hate and otherwise experience the cultural domains in which they live and die.

The instructions:

"The information/instructions (Memotype) of how to make a 
 Six-Inch-Wire-Square (Phemotype) follows below:

MEME I.    GET 4 EQUAL PIECES OF WIRE (each piece 6 inches in length).
                 3RD & 1ST PIECES.

And that is how you make a Six-Inch-Wire-Square" phemotype.

These memes and the memotype they form serve as the 'recipe' for 'cooking up'
Six-Inch-Wire-squares. If there is a great consumer demand for
Six-Inch-Wire-Squares, producers will ramp up production of their Six-Inch-Wire-Square memotype blueprints. As popular demand for the Six-Inch-Wire-Square phemotype grows and grows, the production of Six-Inch-Wire-Square memotypes explodes. In this way the
Six-Inch-Wire-Square memotype gets copied as many times as is humanly possible because the only purpose a Six-Inch-Wire-Square memotype has is to be copied over and over again . . . by humans.

Smart Phone Evolution/Extinction 

A meme is a replicator. All a replicating meme desires to do is make as much copies of itself (as is humanly possible). Meme replication can be imperfect, giving rise to meme mutants. An accidental meme variant maybe an improvement that allows a meme to flourish in its environment. The environment in which a mutant spreads its copies decides the meme's fate. A mutant favored by the environment it finds itself in, for whatever reason, is allowed to continue making copies. The selecting environment is nurturing to the favored mutant, encouraging, allowing and continuing the survival and spread of its copies. A mutant meme maybe weeded, uprooted, from the environment by selection unless it changes and finds an improvement that can adapt to the environment. A mutant not favored by the environment, a mutant that is not an improvement will, in all likelihood, make less and less copies in subsequent generations. Generally, mutants unfavorable to selection become extinct when the pressures within the selecting environment do not allow them to make copies of themselves.

A replicator like a meme is subject to The Evolutionary Algorithm.  The Meme Evolutionary Algorithm has three fundamental principles:

Meme Variation
Meme Selection
Meme Heredity

A meme more often than not is a part of a meme cooperative, or a memeplex. A meme variant that is found to be an improvement will tend to leave more and more copies of itself in subsequent memeplex generations. An improved mutant will tend to make its memeplex fitter and survive better. A favored meme variation with its memeplex may continue to be selected by its environment and inherited by subsequent generations. Copies of improvements are handed down from one generation to the next. In other words, memeplex improvements are inherited by the present generation from past generations. Without this Principle of Heredity, improvements, or adaptive innovations, cannot accumulate and be passed on to subsequent generations. Without The Evolutionary Algorithm of Variation, Selection and Heredity, meme and memeplex replicators would not improve and evolve. The "Family Jewels" of improvements are handed from the meme Parent Generation to the current generation of "Meme Children". The meme children's generation may add to these stores and gift this legacy to their children and subsequent future generations of “Meme Grandchildren”.

The iPhone Smartphone instruction set is The iPhone Memeplex. The iPhone comes in different versions, or variants. In order to maintain and/or increase its market share, it strives to add improvements to its newest versions. Competitive pressure within the smartphone marketplace environment from other rival smartphones like The Android Memeplex, forces iPhone Memeplex innovations. If a smartphone does not change, innovate, or accumulate improvements that allows it to continue to maintain or grow its market share, it is doomed to become extinct. This was the fate of the Palm Smartphone Memeplex. It was unable to add, find and/or accumulate innovations that would allow it to compete with the Android and iPhone memeplexes.

The evolutionary lesson to be learned is:

Stop accumulating and evolving survival innovations; stop evolving adaptations to the changing environment; ignore The Evolutionary Algorithm, and the pressure of selection forces within the environment will stop favoring the copying, growth and spread of your kind.

Because Palm failed to find, adapt and/or inherit innovations/variations, smartphone marketplace selection pressures uprooted it. The Palm Smartphone Memeplex found itself in an evolutionary cul-de-sac and proved unable to evolve any further. 

Because The Palm Smartphone Memeplex Replicator was not sufficiently mindful of The Memeplex Evolutionary Algorithm, the Palm meme doomed itself to extinction. Palm is now dead and buried in the dustbin of smartphone history.

(aka D'Maria Family Tree)
(aka Evolution of The Tree of Life)

The D’Maria Family Tree story is the story of a family dynasty, a story of biological evolution and a story of the evolution of The Tree of Life. The D’Maria docudrama is a narrative story and a metaphor for the Evolution of The Tree of Life as told by Natural Selection.

D'Maria Family Tree is a growing developing branching tree flourishing with D'Marias. Theirs is a living tree to which the D'Marias have been striving in perfect serenity seemingly forever. The D'Maria Family Tree is a haven in which the D'Marias are comfortably settled.

D'MARIA is "The Mother of all D'Marias".

From one generation to the next, the D'Maria children and children's children have given birth, grown up, struggled, failed, conquered, earned, learned, loved, died, lived and filled The D'Maria Family Tree with deep dramatic life experiences. The D'Maria generations have been thriving and flourishing for eons of generations on The D'Maria Family Tree. There are virtually no surviving unfit individual parasitizing the tree.  If any stray or accidental unfit parasite attaches him or herself to the tree he is plucked out, cut off, or she is weeded and uprooted by D'Maria Family Tree Defense Forces. These forces of its immunity are uniquely selective and discriminating in favor of D'Marias. They scour the D'Maria Family Tree every second of every minute and every hour of every day, annihilating any and all attempting to suck their tree’s life blood. However they are always on vigilant lookout for any D'Maria younglings with great potential. These The Immunity Selection Forces shield, nurture, feed, encourage, support and protect throughout every moment. 

The D'Marias have a rich legacy of D'Maria Family Jewels that have been accumulating on the family tree from one generation to the next. The D'Maria Family Tree evolves by accumulating more and varied family jewels through the subsequent D'Maria evolving generations. Each generation endeavors to add the best adaptive improvements that allow the tree and its "D'Maria fruits" to grow and evolve stronger healthier, wealthier and wiser.

The D'Maria family saga began in The Garden of D' Heathens. D'Maria was just a wee babe being raised in the garden. When she was but a wilding happy toddler a great pestilence decimated The Garden of D'Heathens, D'Maria was rescued by her parents who found her shelter in an orphanage, but they themselves perished shortly thereafter. In the beginning much of D'MARIA's life and times outside The Garden of D'Heathens were rough and stormy as she struggled growing up in the orphanage. However the struggle made her tough and strong. D'MARIA transformed and improved, and proved herself quite adaptable to the varied competitive selection pressures within the changed Non-Heathen World. She had to struggle unrelentingly every second, every minute and every hour of everyday in order to survive. She raised the D'Marias well, and they grew to be tough, strong and adaptable like her. The D'Maria children grew powerful and her children and grandchildren and her descendants continue to evolve a sturdy and unbowed family tree.

D'MARIA's Spirit is an integral part of The D'Maria Biological and Cultural Family Tree of Life Experiences.

D'MARIA's Living Spirit sustains the Well Springs of its Memetic and Genetic Evolution.

D'MARIA's Undying Spirit contains the experiences to which all D'Marias belong.

D'MARIA Consciousness is real because Consciousness maybe Immutable, Eternal and Absolute. As such, it has the potential to be Primary and Essential. D'Maria experiences can be real and unreal because D'Maria Historical Scribes have the dramatic license to blend fiction and The Gospel Truth. The D'Maria Scribes of drama and the D'Maria story lines contained in D'Maria dramatizations are changeable, transient and in scattered environs. As such, D'Maria experiences are secondary, derivative, imaginative and historical.

The D'Marias's living docudrama that is the branching Biological-Cultural-Family-Tree-of- Life-Experiences is the evolution of D'MARIA's consciousness and spirit.


 Just as the phenotype is the living expression of the genotype, the phemotype is the cultural life expression of the memotype. The Peacock genotype is its design essence. The Peacock is the flowering of the creativity of Peacock genes. The memes of  world renowned skyscraper culture: The Empire State Building, The Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty, the martyred World Trade Center Twin Towers and The Egyptian Pyramids, and the gigantic ‘microscope’ atom smashing CERN Large Hadron Collider, stand as gargantuan monuments to The Power and Might of Memes.

Memes are the 'recipe' instructions that inform the preparation of cultural ‘dishes’. Just like the gene blueprint for eyes directs the making of eyes, meme 'recipe' replicator information/instructions direct, regulate and maintain the growth, development and evolution of a society’s culture.
The Blue-Eye-Gene manifests itself in the world as Blue Eyes. The Pepperoni-Pizza-Meme manifests itself in society as a Pepperoni Pizza. Man uses Memetic blueprint information to direct their cultural creations like the Kia Optima, the I Phone 6, and 'The Macarena'. A Jay Bird would not be for a second, a minute or a day if its DNA machine complex were to shut down. Societies of Humanity may only keep culture alive and thriving by necessarily maintaining its memetic ’DNA’. Memes are absolutely necessary for the maintenance of human cultural integrity.  The phemotype social experiences of memes evolve as future generations of humanity immersed in culture discover and design fresh, varied and unique expressions in them.

Bicycle memes are needed to instruct bicycle making. The George Washington Bridge memeplex (Blueprints) is needed to maintain the GWB. The Lion, The Tiger,  The Oak and The Apple tree Gene Teams (Genetic Blueprints) need to keep their animals and plants alive long enough to make baby lions, baby tigers,  little oak trees and little green apples. For genes, survival means working and struggling together to make copies of their animals and plants. The hope of  Butterfly Genes is to sail into the future on the wings of many generations of butterflies.

In order to survive, BMW memes need to get themselves expressed and advertised in Sporty BMW Flashy Driving Machines. The Concorde memeplex struggles to survive by designing its Concorde Jet to Soar High in The Stratospheric Skies. The future destiny of the I Phone, the Android Smartphone and the Harrier Jump Jet  Meme Teams depends on harnessing themselves to their humanity. A meme’s only purpose in life is to influence its men and women in society to replicate it as many times and in as many ways as is humanly possible.

A song writer-singer composes a song. Fans listen to it on the radio, and they are loving ‘My Cherie Amour’. Fernando is rocking to ‘My Cherie Amour’! He goes on the web and copies its lyrics. He goes to U tube and listens to it and he cannot get enough of it. Because he wants to be playing it while he is cruising in his Sorento, he downloads ‘Cherie’ to his play list from I Tunes. His friends and family hear it while riding with him.
“Grand Daddy, which song is this we are listening to, and who is singing?” ask Bryson.

‘My Cherie Amour’; by Stevie Wonder, of course”, answers grand dad.

Very soon Bryson copies the lyrics and downloads My Cherie Amour to his I Phone 26, and he is singing and dancing like a mad toddler! Bryson is playing My Cherie Amour while in daycare. All his little daycare pals and daycare teachers listen, copy, download ‘Cherie’ on their smart phones. And they are deliriously and enthusiastically jammin’ to Stevie Wonder’s ‘My Cherie Amour’! . . .

The song meme, My Cherie Amour and all its varied pheme expressions, My-Cherie-Amour, is culturally expressed in web-playing, radio-playing, singing, dancing and clubbing. It's 'fanatic' popularity allows the My Cherie Amour meme to be replicated in millions of copies. Popular music memes get copied, and copies are spread by its raving fans as far and wide as possible. I have my own copy and have texted copies of the meme, My Cherie Amour’, countless many times to Stevie Wonder enthusiasts! The 'Cherie' meme lives on because of its My-Cherie-Amour varied cultural expressions. This meme gets replicated prodigiously because its My-Cherie-Amour cultural renditions are popular hits that have captured a lot of its fans’ imagination. The memes that you don't or hardly hear about were not such a hit and they never get transmitted at all (and die inside of the originators' minds) or never get transmitted wide from the originators' minds or because their phemotypes rarely or never get transmitted/imitated and built/created by very many people. Most memes are just not fit enough for many different reasons and become extinct. There are far too many memes and far too few minds to accommodate them all. For memes and genes, the rule of life is: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Have you ever heard of the ‘RAP App’ meme or its phemotype expression, 'Pheme-Morphine'?. Of course not! But if you read on you’ll hear about them, at 
long last!

                           Ms. M & Mr. P

Mr. P, phemotype, the cultural bodily expression of Ms. M,  is essentially Ms. M's copying machine and World Culture Explorer Vehicle. Ms. M, a meme replicator, as a need to replicate, or make copies of herself. Ms. M well knows she can best get replicated only by harnessing Mr. P.

Ms. M wonders,

"How on Earth do I get myself replicated? What can I do to manipulate and exploit Mr. P to make gobs and gobs of copies?"

Mr. P complains out loud:

"I could not be in any worse suffering agony like I am today!"

Over hearing this, Ms. M shouts out:


Mr. P, jumping back startled says

"Are you talking to me? By the way, my name is not Eureka. I am 
Mr. P . . .",

"That's it, that's the answer!" Responds Ms. M

"What's the answer?", Mr. P asks.

Ms. M looks deeply into Mr. P's eyes, and  grins and beams

"I have the solution to all my prob. .err. . your problems! My friends and family call me M&M'S  . . ."

Mr. P interrupts

"So what, my buddies as well as my frenemies call me a Royal  Pain in the Arse".

"Aah!!! That's hilarious! Well, guess what, I am hailed The Pain  Killer of pain killers that other pain killers can't imitate".

"No freaking way!", Mr. P exclaims

"Yes, in every freaking way you can imagine!", Ms. M echoes back.

"Ouch! that hurted"

"I didn’t' mean to insult you; are you okay, Man?"

Mr. P grimaced. "No, Man! You see I have this pain in my arse, as well as pain here, here, here and . . ."

With concern and empathy, Ms. M asks Mr. P:

"On a pain scale of Zero to Ten, how bad is the pain in your arse,  Mr. P?", ask Ms. M

"One Hundred and getting worse!! I would like to score some meds. I'd sure like some Morphine Joy inside my pain. Does anybody have any MJ!? I need some MJ in the worse way!!", Mr. P yells out, to no one in particular, and clutching his whole body.

"Somebody Gimme some MJ, please,  else I gonna die right here right now!", Mr. P bawled out like a tortured babe

"So, Mr. P, babe, are you saying your pain is a constant torture?"

"Is Barack Obama a Blackman and Christian? It's way beyond torturous. Please, I have a desperate need for some MJ!!"

Ms. M reached into the left breast pocket of her Polo T-shirt and handed Mr. P a 1-sheet instruction paper.

"What am I supposed to do with this piece of  shit?"


"It's The Recipe. You know, my meme for  M&M'S . . ."

"What! You are giving me an app meme for m&m's? Can't you just give me a prescription for a thousand grams of 'The Pain Killer of all pain killers'. I am pretty sure my Obamacare Insurance covers this meme", said Mr. P to Ms. M.

"Seriously? I have been living in constant pain, particularly my hips, knees, ankles, feet and teeth for Twenty-Some years, but you are giving me a PLACEBO!? A meme App for m&m's?! Seriously? Surely you jest! How more wicked and cruel could one be!!?

"Come on my good buddy, Seriously? Wake up and smell the Mojave Dessert Roses, Mr. Good Body. You and I, together, will set up our meme machine {yes, M&M'S: (Morphine-Manufacturing-System, NOT   'm&m's}. With my MRAP App Meme (pronounced 'rap app meme'; the 'M' is silent) you'll be making the purest M&M'S {NOT m&m's} this side of the Multiverse, no sweat!"

Mr. P looked down, stared at Ms. M, and smiled saying:

"This is a joke, right? This meme of yours is from a joke on 'Outrageous Acts of Science', the TV show, isn't it? I just knew it was too good to be true". Then Mr. P slapped Ms. M's back and laughed out loud.

"No. No joke. M&M'S . . .There is an app for that".

"No kidding? You designed a pain killing app; there really is an MJ App meme?", Mr. P asked  Ms. M

"Yes. Seriously. As you might have heard, my meme is called The Morphine Replicator App-for-Pain, popularly referred to as the  'rap app meme'.  Ask my cousin; she'll  tell you my rap app meme machine is intuitively easy and user friendly. All you need to do is master clicking on the 'RAP-Made-Easy' icon located on The Google PC Desktop, and, by the time you can say 

        'Internet Explorer i.e.10 or Rumpelstiltskin', 

you'll be swimming in it, if you know how to!",

Ms. M exclaimed triumphantly.

"Oh, by the way, where is your GMM?", inquired Ms. M.

"Who told you about my Google Meme Machine?" asked Mr. P.

"D-D did"

"D-D who? D-D the Dudette?"

"No. Cousin D-D, Devine-Designs"

"Oh, Ms. Design; isn't she just divine!? No pun intended"

"I saw the excellent phemotype rendition of memotypes you've  turned out for her over the years with your GMM. D-D did say: 'pee (meaning you, Mr. P), is such a royal pain! I love him dearly! Tell pee D-D says 'How-dee-deedy!'"

"Devine is always showing off her meme-to-pheme creations that she designs with the copies of your rap app meme. Ms. D. praises you endlessly and tells me we can do business together", Ms. M said, cooing flatteringly.

“’meme-to-pheme’, what’s a ‘pheme’?”, asked Mr. P

“Oh ‘pheme’ is a silly word I coined; it’s short for phemotype”, explained Ms. M

"So, Ms. M, tell me: What happens when I click the RAP-Made-Easy icon?", Mr. P asked excitedly.

"Well it's best If I read the detailed M&M'S Meme Instruction summary. It goes like this:

With Ms. M's RAP App running, Mr. P's GMM makes M&M'S RAIN.

Mr. P, perplexed says:

" Let me see if I get this;

You, Ms. M, a Meme known as 'Meme-Morphine', need to be replicated; you want to be able to make as much copy as is humanly possible. I, Mr. P (using your word), a Pheme (just call me 'Pheme-Morphine'), desperately need a pain free life. So, you, the morphine meme, license me, the morphine pheme, the Morphine Replicator App-for-Pain, at some reasonably negotiated APR, say 0.001% . . ."

"Whoa!! Whoa!! Just hold on there, pardoner! . . ."

But Mr. P continued:

. . ."With the understanding that I will distribute copies of your morphine meme information on Face book. My Face book page has hundreds of billions of long suffering family and friends desperately seeking a pain pheme panacea for decades. . ."

Ms. M interrupts again:

. . .I was about to say, my Good Buddy, I'm easily warming up to this deal, don't let me interrupt. . .     Continue. What were you saying about your Face book mass of billions of humamity and my meme pain panacea?" . . .

. . ."Then, With Ms. M's RAP App  running,  Mr. P's GMM makes M&M'S RAIN. In other words, with the Morphine Replicator App-for-Pain running on the Google Meme Machine, I can make Morphine Manufacturings Robotic Artificial Intelligence Narcotics; as much as my family, friends, I and the rest of my Face book masses of humanity might need. Naturally of course, and it goes without saying, these needs can only grow over time, so we will need lots and lots of copies of M&M meme information-instructions, directing me as I create gobs and gobs of copies of M&M'S phemes".

Finally Ms. M confessed to Mr. P:

"Mr. P, you got it. The truth is that each of us  can get each other replicated by making each other look cool, and also by harnessing ourselves to each other. By working together we are best able to get each other copied and survive in greater many numbers into future generations of humanity"


Gangs of MEMES form a vast cooperative called a MEMEPLEX, or a complex network of cooperating MEMES. This MEMEPLEX is expressed in the world as a vast SELFPLEX, or MEME-MATRIX known as  Consciousness Itself, who lives in the cultural milieu as a self aware persona. For example, take the self aware conscious Persona 'Rich'(PR). PR is part biological and part cultural. The MEMES have modified and adapted PR’s Human Biology legacy hardware and software towards accomplishing their own selfish agendas. The biology in PR has been transformed into a very sophisticated Meme-Matrix-Conscious-Awareness known as a Sentient Self Aware Conscious Being.

Culture is created by this sentient self aware being, PR. However, this culture that PR is creating is not meant for his benefit; it’s for the benefit of the MEMES that created his Conscious Awareness. Furthermore, as far as the MEMES are concerned, PR does not really create any culture; the MEMES are the real creative force behind the culture PR sees around him and likes to claim as his "personal accomplishments". PR is a MEME vehicle for cultural creativity. PR was designed by the MEMES, and comes with a varied and sophisticated set of Toolkits that were also designed by the Memes. To be fair, Much of the Toolkits that are a part of PR that are claimed by the MEMES, are made by the GENES; the same designer GENES of his impressive PR human Biology.

So, here he is, PR, a highly refined sophisticated and cultured biological MEME-GENE Machine standing around, tall and proud and patting himself on the back; looking in the mirror saying:
"You, PR, you are The Man,  The Cat's Meow, a Mean Machine!”
PR should not really be taking credit for neither is beautiful mind nor his beautiful body. His mind belongs to the MEMES and his body belongs to the GENES. The GENES designed his biology for their own selfish reasons; The MEMES designed his mind for their own selfish purposes. Just as the  GENES  created  his Human Biology to best get copies of themselves into future generations of Human Beings (and Dog, Cat & Rat Beings), the MEMES kludged together a sentient aware Consciousness through which to generate the best cultural artifacts in order to attract more and more and as much humans as is possible towards imitating and copying their cultural artifices, and so get them to pass MEMES on from mind to mind to as many other minds as possible, so as to get as many copies of themselves as is humanly possible into future generations of human culture.
This Rich Persona, PR, a wonder marvel and an amazing  Gene-Meme Machine, is a Human Time Machine for transporting Meme and Gene Time Travelers deeply forward into the future as far as they possibly can, and in as much future generations as much  as they possibly can.


Here is a little Brain Teaser(Linny): 

September 8th 1995 is the PRESENT (RIGHT NOW). We are at Chuckey Cheeses where your parents are throwing you a "Sweet Six Birthday Party". In 1492, your PAST, 500 years ago, Columbus Discovered the New World. On 9/11/2001, your FUTURE, jet planes crashed into the World Trade Center. 

In 1995, 20 years ago when you are 6 years old, stuffing your face with cheese cake at Chuckey Cheeses, I am saying  to you (that is, 1995 is the PRESENT/NOW):

"Linny,  do you remember 500 years ago when you were unborn and living with one of your ancestors? Well, in that year, 1492, if you can recall, your cousin Christopher Columbus discovered America. Do you also remember that 6 years from now, on September 11th 2001, two Jumbo Jet Airplanes  just NOW  crashed into the Twin World Trade Center Skyscrapers?"

You would probably say:

"Dad, you are crazy. It's 1995. How could planes destroy those Two Twin Towers? I don't remember that and it's not 6 years from now yet (!?). Also, even though I was with my ancestor  in 1492 (I get it, my 'essence' my genes, was with my  ancestor in 1492), I don't remember learning about Columbus discovering America in 1492 until I learned it in Junior High 6 years from now. I don't remember this because it is not 6 years from now yet (!?). Furthermore, we can't be having this discussion because I am not old enough or have enough sense to argue this sensibly!"

Here is the point though:

PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE exist Right-Now-Right-Now-and-Right-Now 
Your, our, 1492 ancestor's 'essence-genes' that existed in your great-grandmother, exist in your grandma, your parents and you NOW

Total Time is an unbroken whole. If one link in the chain from our ancestors to us is removed, broken, none of us would be here NOW.

The PRESENT is the PAST ("renewed"). 
The coming FUTURE is this same "renewed-PAST" 
(being renewed again, again, again and . . .)
It's like a 3-part movie: 
"Star Wars Part-1-Part-2-Part3". All-3-parts do not exist separately. ALL three movies exist (NOW) as the 3 parts of the (ONE) story.

We cannot watch the life stories of our great-great-great grandparents; cannot live the experiences of our great-great grandparents or great grandparents. The continuing story from our ancestors to us to our future descendants is ONE BOOK; each of us is but one chapter of this real-to-life docudrama. This continuing epic docudrama, the essence of these storied lives and these experiences is alive in you, me, your mother, your grandma, your brother, sister (Bryson!).These dramas remain alive on ‘DVD’genes . . .IN THIS MOMENT . . .NOW.

Life and Culture, Genes and Memes are phenomena of Consciousness Itself floating forward through time, within Consciousness.

"I" Exist In and Out of Space and Time. Space-Time Exists as Experiences Only Within "I"

Where and when am "I", you ask?

Lindsey Chang, are you merely a human body or not?  If you were to remove your persona, 'Lindsey Chang', that you have convinced yourself:

"This is who I am, 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang',  a mere human body form who is living and working in Monterrey California. I am not a Persona of the so called 'real me', a model, an actor standing in for a 'consciousness'. The real me is a natural sentient being, a separate sentient individual living an independent existence in the Universe”. 

What would remain if this 'Linny' is erased from the scene? YOU would be experiencing the scenery 'minus the Lindsey-Chang-Persona', right? But where is this real YOU? Absolutely and without a doubt you exist for sure because you are knowingly aware that, in this moment, something is having experiences in space and time. The who or what in this moment that is observing and experiencing the present scenery is the real you. This entity, Consciousness Itself, observes, experiences and lives in the ordinary world through its 'Lin Persona'. 'Lin', as a Gene Meme Sentient Being, can be knowledgeable and intuitively aware of consciousness. However, the truth is, 'Lin' cannot, and will never be able to see Consciousness Itself because She does not have A face. Consciousness Itself as it exists in The Multiverse is many-faced and multidimensional.   

A sentient being is how Conscious Awareness represents itself having everyday ordinary experiences within everyday ordinary existence. Consciousness may become lost in everyday ordinary reality because she can become thoroughly convinced she is a mere sentient being living an everyday existence and not one of her Conscious-Awareness-personas. She reasons, even if mistakenly:

’Sentient Being means I am, in reality, part consciousness and part physical body. However my spirit, my mind, my soul and my consciousness reside inside thismy physical body'.

Because the real you, "I", Consciousness, is everything and everywhere, there is nothing and nowhere you can point at and say:

'There it is, this right here at this spot is my consciousness, my real self!'

The real picture is that Consciousness spontaneously generates experiences within ordinary reality, including sentient beings. This is the exact opposite of the sentiment above. The sentiment above is actually standing on its head. Turn it right side up: The body, mind, soul and spirit resides only within your Consciousness. The sentient being 'Lindsey Alicia Margaret Chang who is living and working in Monterrey California', is only one of the faces of Conscious Awareness. Sentient beings cannot physically experience Conscious Awareness. And  sentient life is only capable of being aware because the thing they themselves are unable to see, Consciousness Itself, allows them the awareness to See, Hear, Feel, Touch and Smell. Furthermore, Consciousness cannot stand to one side or stand above herself and look down at herself; she can only see the experiences she is generating within Conscious Awareness. Consciousness is everlasting and infinitely spacious. Space, time and all matter/energy exist only within "I", that is, Consciousness, the actual you.

If you could have a direct dialogue with Consciousness Itself the result would be enigmatic:

LIN: "Consciousness? Where are you, show yourself?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am simultaneously inside and outside of reality"

LIN: "Can we talk. May I come outside so I can see you?"


LIN: "Why 'No'?"

CONSCIOUSNESS: "Because for you outside of reality does not exist"

LIN: "Well then, let's keep it real. Why don't you return to


CONSCIOUSNESS: "I am reality. And I am already inside!"

LIN: "But I don't see you! Where are you exactly!?"

CONSCIOUSNESS:  "I am all that is real.  I am everywhere sentient life is. I have the faces of all sentient life. You are Me, LIN. I am You"

Consciousness Evolving and The Destiny of Consciousness

Consciousness existed from before the beginning. The Big Bang birth of The Universe awakened it from its eternal slumber. As The Universe ballooned into the space and time created by consciousness, consciousness itself allowed The Universe the opportunity to become a vehicle in which Consciousness would blossom and flourish as The Universe expanded forward in time. The Universe is the material vehicle through which Consciousness Itself explores and experiences the reality it is creating as it floats on the waves of time.

The destiny of life and culture and Consciousness in the form of Personas, is to serve as vehicles of safe passage for Genes and Memes and Consciousness Itself,  as they continue onward forward. As Consciousness Itself in the form of personas fulfills its life destiny, it may indulge in its life experiences with gusto.  As Consciousness Itself is ferried into future generations by its personas, its life is renewed and refreshed. Consciousness itself is forever old and forever young; it's been traveling for near eternity as it is ferried by its past-present-and-future personas forward. The unending generations of its personas sustains and renews it through the Eternal Future.

Personas of the meme-matrix like you, Rich and I, may only travel through time for a few decades. Memes have been traveling through time for millions of years. Genes have traveled through time for billions of years, but Consciousness Itself has been surfing effortlessly through the ages and the eons for trillions upon quadrillions of years!

The Reality Hierarchy
&Consciousness Itself

Information=Consciousness Itself
Patterns of Information=Bits of The Laws of Physics
Patterns of The Laws of Physics=Bits of Quantum Strings
Patterns of Quantum Strings=Quantized Particles
Patterns of Quantized Particles=Fermions/Bosons
Patterns of Fermions/Bosons=Organizations of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics
Patterns of The Laws of Quantum Mechanics=Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons
Patterns of Quarks/Hadrons/Mesons/Electrons=Protons/Neutrons/Atoms
Patterns of Protons/Neutrons/Atoms=Chemistry
Patterns of Chemistry=Carbon Chemistry
Patterns of Carbon Chemistry=DNA/MessengerRNA (MRNA)
Patterns of DNA/MRNA=TransferRNA(TRNA)/Amino Acids
Patterns of Amino Acids=Proteins
Patterns of Proteins=Life/Biology/Humanity
Patterns of masses of Humanity=Culture

The Reality Hierarchy is the blossoming of complex patterns of Interconnected Networks of the patterns above.

The organized blossoming of patterns of The Reality Hierarchy evolving is Consciousness evolving.

The Reality Hierarchy complexly blossoming into patterns of complexly organized networks of flourishing Culture, is Consciousness complexly evolved, or Consciousness Itself, or highly organized patterns of Information.


(MY GRANDMA: CONSTANCE "Connie" Vale-Edwards: February 25th 1922 - September (?) 1993)

Connie was unborn in 1921. Connie was not UNBORN from 1922 - 1993. She was UNBORN before Feb 25th 1922, and she became UNBORN again in 1993

Connie is not dead; Connie exists in CONSCIOUSNESS. From my perspective she currently resides in the MYSTERY region of CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, outside of space and time, outside of our ordinary experiences. In the fullness of time she will return from the MYSTERY region of CONSCIOUSNESS to live, once again, within the mundane experiences of ordinary space-time. Connie lives now only in Metaphysical Experiences.

It’s like a DVD disk and a DVD Player:

Before February 25th 1922 Connie only existed as "unplayed music on DVD". Between 1922 and 1993 Connie existed as " live music" playing in the DVD Player. The Sweet Music that is Connie will be played again and again in the fullness of time.

The Theme of "Connie's Song" played melodiously throughout seven decades. It’s 2015 now. The theme of "Connie's Song" exists; but it is not being played at this moment. At this moment it exists as a song-meme sitting in a file on cloud-99. The "Connie's Song" meme will play many times over in unique expressions within the fullness of time and in a cherished place that is Positively Heavenly!.

The truth is that the "Connie's Song" meme cannot be created or destroyed. The promise is that our beloved Connie  will be returned to us, at long last,  from Consciousness's Mystery Region to Consciousness's Space-time Region. The truth is that Connie and we will sing her memes and dance her themes again in a better place in some wonderful future time.

The essence of Connie's Song lives on! Connie lives renewed in rich expressions that are her sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grands. Her great grandchildren will continue to pass on her wisdom to their own sons and daughters. And they in turn will express the cultured pearls of “Connie Song Family Jewels” to untold generations of descendants.

             Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle States that it is not possible to accurately measure a particle’s parameter pairs, V/S, velocity and position, or E/T, kinetic energy and the time span in which this kinetic energy is used up. The reason being the measurement of one parameter of a quantum object prevents getting the true measure of the quantum object's other parameter, simultaneously.

Consider an electron's parameter pair, V,S. Accurately measuring its location, S, (at 1pm) makes it impossible to know anything about its velocity, V, at that same time. The more certain the measure of one (Velocity =20m/s) the more uncertain is the other parameter (S =?). You can’t know for sure because attempting to measure S very accurately will interfere with measuring V with any accuracy at all.

The uncertainty principle only applies to atomic, subatomic and quantum particles like electrons and photons. You can easily simultaneously exactly measure the V and S of a car, say. Knowing that at a certain time (12noon) the car is traveling at 60m/s does not prevent knowing its distance from a certain point at the same time (12noon).

How would we measure an electron's V, S at a certain time? The best and most accurate way is to bounce another particle off of it, like a photon. Let’s measure S, its distance from a point, [Z]. You don’t want to disturb the electron's motion, V, too much if at all. This can be done by using a long wavelength photon like a radio wave, which would be like brushing the electron with almost a weightless feather, and so you do not change the electron's V by any significant amount. However, with a long wavelength photon ‘ruler’ you will not be able to get an accurate measure of the electron's position, S.

Let us say the electron is between 100 meters and 150 meters from point [Z]. A radio wave is at minimum 1/2 mile long (800 meters). This is like using a ruler whose inch unit = 1/2 a mile. How can you use a ruler whose smallest unit is 1/2 of a mile to get an accurate measure of a distance between 100 meters and 150 meters (the smallest unit of the ruler is 800 meters)? You simply can’t.

The answer to the question:

"What distance is the electron from point [Z]?"


"The best I can do is say the electron is within 1/2 a mile from [Z]"

Well, that would not be very accurate, to say the least!

However, if you use a shorter wavelength photon 'ruler' it will disturb the electron's motion and you won’t be able to measure its V accurately.

Now let us try to accurately measure the electron's V. This is best done accurately with a short wavelength photon, like a UV photon. It’s like a ruler whose smallest unit is a millionth of a millimeter. This will give a high level of accuracy of the distance, S. However, at the same time you will not be able to accurately measure V. Attempting to get the very best accurate measure of S using a UV short wavelength photon makes it impossible to accurately measure the electron's V, because the very energetic photon will disturb the electron's velocity greatly

The answer to the question:

"How fast is the electron moving, what is its V?"


"I can only take an intelligent guess; I would say it was moving pretty fast, and now I would say it is moving much much faster than originally"(?!)

Again, this would not be a very satisfying response!

As you can see, attempting to measure the motion V accurately with longer wavelength light blurs "the picture of the electron", and decreasing its position measure accuracy. On the other hand, attempting to accurately measure its position S with a shorter wavelength greatly disturbs its motion therefore causing the measure of V to be quite inaccurate.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says no way you can simultaneously accurately measure the pair of parameters of a particle, kinetic energy of motion, E, and the time span, T, in which this energy is used up.

 Uncertainty in the simultaneous measure of the parameter pair kinetic energy & energy burn-time, E/T, of quantum particles like electrons, neutrinos and quarks are unavoidable. The reason being attempting to get an accurate measure of one of the pair interferes with getting an accurate measure of the other parameter. Say you want to get an accurate measure of the Electron's kinetic emergy, E. You want to avoid adding too much to its E. The best 'ruler' that will add the least E is radio photons. Radio carries the least E. Success! You have a very accurate measure of the Electron's E at 1pm. However, now you can't know the measure of its burn-time, T at that time. The smallest burn-time unit measure of Radio photons is at least one millisecond (ms). Electrons typical kinetic energy E burn-time is one microsecond (μs) to fractions of 1μs. If the electron’s E burn-time is within 0.5μs and the best measure you can get is at least 1ms (1000μs) . . . well this is ridiculously inaccurate! As you can see, using a radio ‘ruler‘ to add the least amount of kinetic energy to the electron’s interferes with getting an accurate E burn-time measure as a radio photon burn-time measure unit, ms, is much too large a burn-time unit (E burn-time of typical electron is less than 1μs). To get the most accurate T measure it's best to use a photon ruler with the shortest burn-time unit measure, like UV photons. A UV photon burn-time unit is one nanosecond (ns) to fractions of 1ns. However, you will not be able to get anywhere near an accurate measure of the Electron's E at the same time (the typical kinetic energy of a UV photon is a billion times an electrons!). The UV adds so much E to the electron's you cannot get an accurate measure of its E. Again, using a UV ‘ruler’ with the shortest burn-time measure units interferes with getting an accurate E measure because the highly energetic UV photon will add a great deal of kinetic energy to the electron’s E.

The interference amounts ΔE/ΔT are uncertain amounts. The same goes for V and S interference amounts ΔV/ΔS; these too are of an uncertain quantity.

Below are the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle expressions:

ΔV.ΔS h*

The product of the uncertain amount of velocity, ΔV, and the uncertain amount of spacial displacement, ΔS, is equal to or greater than Planks Constant, h


The product of the uncertain amount of kinetic energy, ΔE, and the uncertain amount of E burn-time, ΔT, is equal to or greater than Planks Constant, h

ΔV or ΔS, and ΔE or ΔT cannot be zero; and their products (ΔV.ΔS; ΔE.ΔT) are at least Planks Constant, h.


(NOTE: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle does not apply to ordinary objects like cows and the Moon. If you were to look for your lost heifer, Miss Daisy, and you shine a flashlight in the dark field she is grazing in, you would simultaneously know very exactly where she is and exactly how fast you drove Miss Daisy to make her jump over the Moon! And, at the same time, you’ll also be able to calculate exactly how much kinetic energy, E, she would need to burn and the exact ‘burn-time, T, to return from the Moon! Miss Daisy being an ordinary sized object, her motion and position would not interfere with each other or be affected in the least by photons streaming from the light beam and striking her.

However, if Miss Daisy was a tiny submicroscopic electron, the shining light would bowl her over easily. If the flashlight beam is intense, as soon as you spotted her with the flashlight beam, she would be quickly struck by the intense light and swiftly knocked out of the grass towards the Moon. She would be rammed so hard you could not tell how fast she was speeding towards the Moon. On the other hand if your flashlight batteries were very run down the light would just tip her over, but you would hardly see where she fell because the light would be too dim, and you would not know the exact position where Miss Daisy laid.

Electron-sized Miss Daisy would be like a subatomic cow with a highly energetic jet pack strapped to her back whizzing back and forth to the Moon. If you shined a powerful flashlight you could locate her very accurately as she whizzed by. However, that powerful flashlight would increase her kinetic energy so much you would not be able to accurately measure her kinetic energy, E. Your best bet to minimize increasing Daisy’s kinetic energy, E, is to use a photon ‘ruler’ like a radio photon, or an extremely dim flashlight. The radio photon will add the least amount to her kinetic energy, E. But now you are compromising getting an accurate measure of Miss Daisy’s jet pack energy
burn-time, T. Because the burn-time measuring unit of the radio photon is large, your measure of Daisy’s jet pack energy
burn-time would be uncertain.

Conclusion regarding electron-sized Miss Daisy:

(1). Shining an intense beam of light on her will spot her
     position with very good accuracy. However, because she was
     struck so hard by the intense flashlight beam, you would
     not simultaneously be able to measure her speed with any
     accuracy. You would see her position clearly and
     accurately, but you would not know very well how much
     her kinetic energy, E, had been changed nor how fast
     ‘Electron-Speedy Miss Daisy’ was flying away to the Moon!

(2). Looking for Miss Daisy instead with a weak dim flashlight
     amounts to a gentle brush of the light beam; still, being
     an electron, it might still knock her off her feet, but she
     would not be moving too much faster. Because the flashlight
     is so weak you would not be able to see well the place
     where she fell over. As regards to the burn-time, T, of
     her jet pack, radio photons would have a large unit of
     burn-time measure, making her jet pack burn-time measure
     inaccurate. So again you would not be able to
     simultaneously get both her speed and position nor her
     kinetic energy and burn-time with good accuracy. You could
     get her speed with good accuracy but the light is so weak
     you wouldn’t see very well where she was laying. For all
     you know, Miss Daisy might be on the Moon!)

The uncertainty principle with its inherent interference dilemma poses a serious problem. Not being able to simultaneously gain knowledge of a subatomic particle’s velocity and position is quite troubling, because at the very deepest level of our nature we are constructed from subatomic quantum particles:

Even if you know exactly where you are, if you don't know how fast you are going and what direction you are headed (Velocity) you can't get to your destination. It is no better than putting speed/direction pairs in a hat and drawing one of among many different pairs, squeeze your lucky rabbit foot and hope you find your way as you embark into the future. Knowing exactly what speed you are traveling at and the direction you are traveling in is useless if you don't have a pretty good measure, at the same time, of where you are. If You don't know your present position you won't know whether or not to head East, West, North or South, nor what speed to travel at if you can't prefigure from your current position ("Where the hell are we?"), what distance you are from your destination or prefigure how fast you need to drive to get home before supper gets cold!

Imagine if you lived in the quantum world and being unable to accurately measure your car's speed and direction of travel because knowing where you are with good measure interfered with knowing your velocity. And, on the other hand, knowing where you are with clear accuracy prevents you from getting an accurate measure of how fast you should go and blind as to which direction to head in:

I call you on my cell asking where you are. You respond that you are a mile from Yankee Stadium.

I ask: 'When do you think you'll get home, it’s almost supper time?'

You respond: 'I have no idea'

‘What do you mean by that?’ I ask

'I have no idea because I don’t know what my velocity should be; I don't know what speed I am supposed to be traveling at or what direction I am supposed to be going in'

‘What kind of car are you riding in again?' I ask, flummoxed

'It’s called “The EleKtroN”, the new self-driving car'

‘And why don't you know how fast you need to travel and what direction to travel in to get home?’

‘I do’

‘So what's the issue?’

‘There is a programming bug’

‘Did you say you know where you are?’


‘Then start it up and program it to reach home between 15 to 30 minutes from now’

‘It can’t figure the velocity to get me home 30 minutes from now because when the position program is running it interferes with the operation  of the velocity program, causing it to become inoperable and vice versa. When it knows exactly where it is, it is clueless to how fast it should go and what direction it is going in. On the other hand, when the velocity app is operational it disrupts the position app and now it has no idea where it is. Because it does not know where it is, it does not know how far away from home we are, and so can’t input the exact speed and direction required.’

‘So disable the self-driving program and come home the old fashion way; drive yourself home. Do you know how to get home from Yankee Stadium?’


‘So turn on your GPS

‘What's GPS?’ . . .

Unfortunately quantum mechanics and its quantum particles do not come with GPS either. And the built-in uncertainties aren’t programming bugs that can be debugged!

Predicting your future situation depends heavily on projecting your current situation forward with good measure. Knowing your current situation involves knowing with reasonable accuracy the parameter pair of velocity & position. Our common sense has made us accustomed to planning our future by basing it on an accurate measure of the current situation. Getting a handle on our world and its future anticipates this normal simultaneous measuring accuracy of velocity and position pair, otherwise the world we live in would be . . . well, unlivable!

Not being able to know both your velocity and position with good measuring accuracy at any given time is like playing with dice. It appears when it comes to the quantum world Mother Nature throws dice constantly, to the chagrin of Einstein who stated to Bohr,

"God does not throw dice!!"

But then Bohr cautioned Einstein to

"Stop telling God what to do!!"

The Uncertainty Principle implies that Consciousness creates reality, that when you are not looking at an object it doesn't exist. There is this famous Double Slit Experiment involving photons or electrons. It seems to imply that, light (a photon) or an electron, may exist as a particle sometimes and a wave at other times. In other words a photon and an electron can exist both as a particle and a wave (Sometimes known as a "wavicle", or a "Particle-Wave")

In the Double Slit Experiment Photons are allowed to pass through two holes in a barrier. Each photon passes through one or the other hole in the barrier and strikes a screen behind the barrier. Here is what is non intuitively weird and strangely bizarre:

What these particles do depends on whether or not someone is watching. When someone is watching it, the photon or electron will pass through only one hole and strike the screen behind in a random pattern of hits like a particle.

However, when no one is looking, each electron will pass through both holes at the same time and strike the screen behind in an interference wave pattern as if it is a spread out water wave.

If an electron is a particle, how can it pass through both holes in the barrier at the same time? Are we saying sometimes an electron is a particle, and a wave at other times? Furthermore, how is it possible for a particle to be in two different places at the same time? When you look at it, the electron is at one hole or the other, like a particle. When you don’t look at the electron, it is at both holes simultaneously, like a wave. Yes, the physics of Quantum Mechanics warps common sense. 

Most quantum physicists will tell you nobody understands Quantum Theory. However, they will be quick to add that without Quantum Theory the Smart Phones, computers, World Wide Web we so absolutely depend on in the 21st Century would not be possible. I would like to add my two cents: Without the Uncertainty Principle the Sun would never shine!

One school of thought states that without Consciousness the electron is not a particle! The electron becomes a particle only, and only when, a conscious being looks at it, and remains a wave when no conscious beings are around looking at it! This implies that reality ‘comes into focus’ only when observed by a conscious being. If you, a sentient, try to take a measure of the photon’s ‘wave nature’, the disturbance you create in attempting to measure its ‘waviness’ causes it to become a particle! However if you, Mr. Sentient, do not attempt to try to measure its wave nature, it behaves like a wave. In other words, it is only a wave when you, a conscious awareness, do not attempt to ‘look’ at its waviness (try to measure it) 

Physicists seriously believe what I just stated above. Quantum physicists are dead serious when it comes to Quantum mechanics. They are the unquestioned authorities on quantum science so their learned opinions need to be taken with more than just a grain of salt. Some Philosophers say, with a straight face, this would mean that if no sentient conscious beings existed, reality would not and could not exist.

The other school of thought is of the opinion that this so-called 'Mystery'  will be solved in the future when more physics is known. And these other scientists and philosophers (who are far and few between!) believe reality  exists independently of Consciousness. It's hard to believe  or accept this widely held scientific opinion that the world outside of us exists only because of the existence of Conscious beings. Albert Einstein, one of the founders of Quantum Physics, refused to accept that reality, the Universe, only exists because of sentient conscious beings. On the other hand, Neils Bohr, a Nobel Prize winning quantum physicists who helped lay the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, believed that without Conscious sentient beings reality, the Universe, would not and could not exist!

When Consciousness is “not in the room”, there is no reality. When she is not “looking over there”, there is no existence over there, only a mix of “To Be or Not To Be”, or a state of limbo of both Coming Into Being and Not Coming Into Being. If an electron is a particle it has to be in some place at some particular time. For an "electron particle" to be everywhere at any time, like a wave, simply defies rational thought. The truth is though, electron "particles" behave like waves, sometimes; when it is part of an atom it behaves like a wave! And light, an "electromagnetic wave", behaves like particles called photons, sometimes; check out the "Photo Electric Effect"!

As Albert Einstein once remarked to Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg in a moment of insight, wonderment and awe: 
"Could it really be true that when I am not looking at the Moon it might not actually  exist . . .?"

Who do we believe? What is the complete scientific truth . . .?

The jury is still out . . .

Principled Uncertainty

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle implies that chance,
indeterminacy, or uncertainty is a natural part of the fabric of nature, reality. The stuff that is the building blocks of nature seem to have split personalities, seem to have diametrically opposed natures. For example, photons and electrons have naturally built-in contradictory aspects. That is, there is a certain amount of chance that an electron has a wave nature and a certain amount of chance that light has a particle nature. When an electron is a part of a hydrogen atom it behaves like it is everywhere. If the electron particle can be anywhere at any one time there is uncertainty if it is inside the hydrogen atom; there is a real chance it could be on the moon or in a different galaxy! If light is a wave phenomenon it should not be in any particular place. However when light strikes an electron it is swallowed up whole and there is uncertainty that it is anywhere else; there is uncertainty that it is in many places at the same time, like a wave, and that it is at one point at one instant of time, as part of an electron.

Looked at as a particle when it is orbiting around the nucleus of the hydrogen atom it appears it is everywhere in the atom at any given instant of time (and we speak of the electron as being an ‘Electron Cloud’: where the electron cloud is densest near the atom’s nucleus we say there is a high probability of finding the electron there, but the cloud is everywhere, and we say there is a smaller probability that it is in other places like Greece, Timbuktu or The Andromeda Galaxy. And by the way, the ‘Electron Cloud’ is called a ‘Probability Wave’). The name of natural phenomena that can be everywhere at once is called a wave. The Pacific Ocean is a wave phenomenon because it is not in one spot. So an electron that is everywhere at the same time in an atom is regarded a wave phenomenon for the same reason. When light strikes a hydrogen atom and strikes its electron wave, light is behaving like a particle and not like a wave. That is, like a bullet and not like a bucket of water being poured on the ‘head’ of the electron. The struck electron wave leaving the hydrogen atom behaves like a particle. The electron fills the atom like it is water with waves traveling in it and jumps out of the atom like hot popcorn jumping out of a popcorn machine. If it’s part of an electric circuit, it 'runs' around like a runner accelerating around a circular racetrack, exhausting itself of energy as it does so. A drop of light wave falls into the electron sea. The sea absorbs this drop of light 'water'. Then both shoot out of the hydrogen atom as a photon-electron particle pair, like a man riding a horse accelerating on a racetrack. Then rider and horse tire and have to re-energize before continuing racing around the track. However when an electron is part of an atom it is not like a satellite 'particle' orbiting the earth. The satellite accelerating around the earth gradually loses energy and may spiral and crash into the earth. If the electron behaved like a particle orbiting the nucleus of a hydrogen atom it would instantly lose energy like the satellite and spiral in and crash into its nucleus. The hydrogen atom behaves as if it is a cup filled with liquid water. The electron as part of the atom is like standing liquid water in an atom cup. Water sitting in a cup can have wave-like motion and slosh about in the cup but the idea of the liquid electron losing energy as it accelerates and spiral into the bottom of the cup would not be applicable in this atom-cup-filled-with-electron-water-sloshing-about situation.  When the electron is in a closed electric circuit it will lose energy as it accelerates like a particle around the circuit. When an electron is in an atom it cannot lose energy as it behaves like a standing wave filling the hydrogen atom.

when some light 'liquid' is poured into the atom cup and mixes with the electron liquid inside the atom cup, it then begins to behave like a bullet and the electron begins to behave like a bullet struck by another bullet. If you fire a hundred photon bullets each strike each of a hundred electron bullets. You would expect that if both were liquid-like then you should find two waves crashing together and mixing together. You would expect to see a mixture of light/electron liquids splashing out of the atom cup. However, you would be surprised to see a man riding a horse jumping out of the hydrogen atom at a tremendous speed!

If electrical phenomenon has an inherent wave nature like the Atlantic Ocean, there is a chance it may not be inside the hydrogen atom. If electromagnetic phenomenon, light, has an inherent particle nature like a grain of salt, there is a chance it may not be everywhere like the earth’s atmosphere, or like space is everywhere, but is at one particular point at an instant of time.

No, this is not an Alice in wonderland Tale; this is quantum reality!

Einstein remarked to Bohr, "God does not play dice". God may not and every once in a while he cautions Sis, but when He is not looking Mother Nature throws Her dice in mysterious ways!

Einstein tried to imagine what it would be like if he was running alongside light. He realized how bizarre this would look. When two bodies are traveling at the same velocity it appears to each other as if they are both standing at the same place at every instant of time, like a couple traveling in a bus. Ideally, however, two bodies may only stand at the same place at every instant of time if there is no space between them. He imagined that the only space in existence is the space between him and the light. Therefore, when both the light and Einstein are standing together (racing at the same place together) it’s as if space disappeared. Now time is really a measure of distance from one point to another, or a measure of a constant amount of a unit of space interval. If a second is the measure of movement through one space unit, then two seconds would mean movement through two space units. So if the space in-between Einstein and the light  were to shrink to zero there would be no time measure (no sweep of time) between one space unit to another space unit. The time unit shrinks to zero when the space unit shrinks to zero. This means time would disappear if space disappeared. Einstein stated that, in reality, space and time are the two parts of a single fabric: “Space-Time”.

Einstein’s would be a bizzaro world. This imagined world would look bizarre to Einstein, because when the space between Einstein and the light disappears, time also disappears. The light and Einstein would be outside of space and time. From the point of view of an observer light is traveling through space and time at the constant velocity, c. However, from the point of view of Einstein ‘at rest’ with the light, both the light and he are not moving in space because there is no space, and both are not moving through time because there is no space-unit time interval to move through. Common sense would suggest light may travel through all of space in no time because there is no space and no time to travel through. Einstein’s intuition would suggest space and time do not exist for light, that light is a particle not traveling through space-time but an unmoving particle sitting at a dimensionless point. For Einstein ‘riding the light’ there would be neither space nor time.

However, Special Relativity predicts that every observer, including Einstein, would always see light traveling at the constant velocity, c. Reality also contradicts intuition, because in the real world light is never at rest; it is always traveling at c. You can only dream of catching up to light but it will remain an unfulfilled dream because it is impossible to travel at the speed of light. And Relativity shows even if you could you will still observe the photon traveling pass you at the velocity, c. In other words when Einstein caught up to the light he would see it racing ahead of him at the speed of light, at the velocity of 180,000 miles/second!

Quantum Physicists (qp)


Classical Physicists (CP)

Why does The Universe’s buffed body ‘glow’ in microwave colors. What is the reason that its surfer bod has an unsexy 'Microwave Tan’? Why doesn't its body have a sexy 'blue Tan', or a hot pink, red or purple glow? Before the discovery of Quantum Mechanics, the Universe's 'tan' was expected to be an extreme blue in color. What happened; why doesn't the Universe glow blue as predicted by Classical Physics 'principles'? Not long after The Big Bang birth of the universe it was glowing in an extremely blue color. What happened, how come its glow, after 14 billion years, is a dank and dreary microwave 'color-glow?’

The easy response to this question is, well, the universe cooled off.

14 billion years ago when it was a mere toddler it threw frequent extreme tantrums. Way back then it was rather hotheaded in the extreme. I mean super duper-extremely, extremely, extremely super-dopey-hot.

. . . 14 billion years later it has grown up and has toned down, super chilling. It is now so Old and Super Cold it is positively well below freezing. This cool cat’s 'body heat' is -450 deg F. Luckily for us we are very close to one of its embers, our warm Sun!

Of course, the sun's surface is 10,000F, and it does not glow in a 'microwave color' like its old (dear mommie's); it glows mostly in a yellow hue and sometimes in an extremely blinding shiny white color

Ok. But what does temperature have to do with whether or not its glow is blue, pink, red or blue? Heat up a poker. Put your hands close to the poker (but not too close, and please don’t touch it)

Take its temperature at different intervals as it heats up in the fire.

Your thermometer reads 98.6F. Keep it in the fire and the poker will heat up more: 99,99.4, 99.8, 100.4. It now feels warm to the touch. As its temperature increases it will become quite hot and eventually glow red

So you see temperature and "color-glow" directly correlates and absolutely influences each other. As anything cools its temperature decreases and its color-glow dims and dulls. On the other hand, as you increase the poker’s temperature, its color-glow and sheen brightens and shines, and the poker will sport a brighter glow in varying colors: 'microwave', 'infrared', red, yellow, and blue and so on.

The Universe and Black Body Radiators

Now, let’s get awe inspired by rainbows and be awe struck by the stars. This time the sky is not the limit; The universe is.

“In the beginning”, we talked about the birth and development of the Universe from a babe less than fourteen billion years ago to a sprite middle age today. We also talked about Black Body Radiation. Let me explain what this means. Just about anything can be a black body radiator; a mailbox, a cheesecake, an outhouse, your Rottweiler, or your Rubber Ducky, and size doesn’t matter. Even a star can be a black body radiator. Believe it or not, the Sun is a “Black Body Radiator”.  Before the universe was born it was a black body radiator, and today it remains a black body radiator fourteen billion years later. Oh. Are you about to ask:

“What the Hell is a Black Body Radiator!!?

Well, here it is:

A Black Body Radiator is any object from which heat, energy radiation or just about any form of energy may not escape. Of course nothing in the universe is an ideal black body; energy escapes from any kind of material in the Universe (ideally, if you paint your Rubber Ducky black and stuff it inside your thermos it would be a perfect black body radiator). And the only ideally perfect object in the Multiverse from which no energy may escape is . . .

. . . The Universe!

Our Universe itself is an Ideal Black Body Radiator. It still possesses 100% of the energy radiation it had at its birth (remember your physics? 'Energy Cannot Be Created or DESTROYED . . .'). Before we talk about the whole shebang, let’s take another look at a rainbow. The rainbow can be considered as a spectrum, or a sheet of colors ranging from waves like the cooler colors red and orange to warmer and hotter colors like orange, blue and violet waves. The term ‘Frequency’ is a better descriptor than ‘wave’ to use when discussing colors and temperature. Frequency denotes hotness (that is, temperature), colors and color intensity. Example, yellow light frequency radiates yellow light, whereas red frequency radiates cooler because yellow light is a more intense frequency than red and infrared (infrared is so ‘dim’ that you can’t really see it, but you can 'feel-see-it' as heat on your hands).

Back to our rainbow multicolor spectrum. When the Universe was a baby its frequency of radiation was a super extreme blue to UV color glow. You could even say that our baby came out crying in extreme violent horror. The babe was not red-faced mad. This infant was blue-faced and mad as all hell! Later on, after letting off some steam, the youngster cooled down to a balmy temperature and began to show his true rainbow spectrum of colors:
Radio-Microwave-infrared frequencies.

To the visible spectrum of light:
Red-Orange . . . ( R-O-Y G B-I-V).

and extreme frequencies:
UV, X-Rays

and the very extreme frequency:
Gamma Ray.

Our Universe is more like a stretchable sheet with a spectrum of rainbow colors and frequencies. When it was an extremely small rubber sheet all its energy was extremely and intensely concentrated. If you were there it would appear extremely blue in color and frequency intensity, and its extreme frequencies would be in the UV, X-Ray and Gamma radiation ranges. You would never notice that it is a multicolored rubber sheet; only if you place your nose, say one millionth of an inch close, you’d see its red, orange and green colors and frequencies, and feel its infrared and microwave colors. However, the only color you’d really be seeing at far distances away is a sky blue color. Why sky blue and not red, white or green? The Classical Physicists (CP) will tell you it’s because their classical theories say that is the only color any kind of stuff should be glowing in, blue frequency. If you ask a Quantum Physicist (qp) he will say it was because the universe was extremely very intensely hot back then, which makes more sense.

The Universe still possesses 100% of the energy it was born with in The Big Bang. So why isn’t it glowing in blue frequency colors today? As I said, it is much much cooler now because of its expansion from the size of a grapefruit to the humongous extreme super-extreme-super-duper-super-duper-dopey extreme expansion over about 14 billion years. Today its temperature, frequency and ‘color’ are in the microwave range. The last time we took the old man’s rectal temperature we got minus 450F.

There is no mystery here. Whenever a hot body expands it will get cooler. If it did not expand its temperature would still be what it was eons ago, which was two to three trillions of degrees Fahrenheit. At minus 450F, the Universe does not glow at all; that is, each 10,000,000 light-year ‘spoonful’ amount anywhere would always have a temperature of minus 450F
(my constant refrain that it ‘glows in the microwave range’ is a mere figure of speech. Pardon me!) But why not another color. Well it has glowed in other colors since its birth. The real question is: What determines what color it glows in temperature, frequency, the amount of energy it contains? When it was much younger and smaller, one sugar cube of it weighed as much as The Milky Way Galaxy. A sugar cube with the weight of a galaxy should be expected to glow in very high frequency colors, like blue. Presently a galaxy size amount of it divided by 10,000,000 light-years gives it the density of a bed bug. With a miniscule bed bug energy density, The Universe does not glow at all.

The CP’s say The Universe infrared color frequency is all wrong, and that it really should be blue. The CP’s insist its energy density should not have changed much over fourteen billion years! But since it has, can they explain why its temperature is not still in the blue color frequencies, which is about ten million degrees! The CP’s response to this:

“We’ll have to get back to you but we are getting close; we just need a little more time”.

Well, you know what, it has been one hundred and fifteen years already; it is time to take a new approach, the Quantum Mechanics approach.

Before we take the approach of the qp’s, let’s critique the CP two chief arguments:

(1). The Black Body Radiation spectrum sheet is all one type of ‘white light’ fabric. You may slice and dice this white rubber sheet to any desired size and each piece would look the same; white as any other piece.

(2). There is no limit as to how small you can make any piece of this fabric.

Quantum Physicist’s Critique:

True, the rubber sheet and its Black Body Radiation spectrum might be considered all one type of fabric. However, It is important to note that it is not one kind of fabric in terms of color but a multicolored sheet. Contrary to the CP, if you were to slice it up finer and finer you would reach a size beyond which you cannot cut it any smaller. Try to imagine putting the multicolored sheet on a table and slicing off a microscopic strip. Slice across from the red end to the blue end, making a thin little strip that contains all its colors in a microscopic teeny-weeny sliver. You will have a strip with the series of color frequencies


like 7 beads on a string
. If you cut up this fine string into smaller bits you would get the tiny-teeny-weeny-meany submicroscopic bits:


Now break these beads down; go ahead smash them into smaller and smaller bits if you dare! This is where Quantum Physicists and the Classical Physicists part company. We have reached the limits of subdivision. You cannot reduce, cut, smash, blow up these bits up into smaller bits. Classical Physics ends here. The road to future progress in physics starts here. Quantum Mechanics lay ahead.

These indivisible particles, ‘R-O-Y G B-I-V’, The Quanta of Quantum Mechanics RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, etc. are also known as light particles, PHOTONS.
These quanta, or photons explain the reasons for a hot poker glowing in varying colors. As the poker is heated it radiates more of the different quanta. As we further increase the temperature we get corresponding colors. At about 896 °F more of the increasing energy is available to make red photons. If you stop the heat it changes from  red to cooler infrared. Will it eventually glow in blue? Not necessarily. A steel poker begins to melt at around 2500F. To get to blue the now superheated steel poker would be about 5000F, but contrary to CP ideas the poker would not immediately glow blue. In Techy computer terms, more heat will bring more energetic blue photons online, and more of the cooler photons go offline. This idea of bodies only glowing in extreme colors logically leads to what is known as the

(or The Ultraviolet Blues)

Energy density, how much light there is contained in a given volume, doesn’t necessarily translates into greater power. The ‘Photoelectric Effect’ shows that light’s power also depends a great deal on the frequency of the light. If you shine even a weak dim blue light on an electric circuit, electric current will immediately start flowing in the circuit. However, if you train a flood of red light on the circuit no current will be seen in it. This proves that energy density by itself does not guarantee that the light will be energetic and powerful. Quantum Mechanics elegantly explains this ‘photoelectric effect’ and proves that light exist as indivisible ‘marbles’. There is no such thing as 1/2, 1/4, 0.137 of a quantum, and the intensity of a blue photon ‘marble’ is significantly greater than that of a red one due to its more intense frequency. Red does not have the power to dislodge an electron that is steadfastly bounded to its atom. A high frequency high powered blue photon will easily dislodge it, sending it whizzing through the circuit. It’s like firing a high velocity bullet aimed directly at a nailed down target

Classical Physicists do not accept the concept of indivisible Quanta. For a CP you can divide the quanta into tinier bits without end. The thing about this idea is that it directly leads to the ‘Ultraviolet Catastrophe’. Take a look at the four equations below;

 Never mind, look only at the last one at the bottom, (1c):

          (1a). The Quantum Equation . . . . E = hf
E is the energy of the Quantum particle (red photon, blue photon)
h is a constant of nature known as Plank Constant
f is the frequency of the photon

(2a). Light Speed Equation. . . . . c = xf
(2b). which is also written as . . . . . . . . . f= c/x

c is the speed of light constant
x is the wavelength of light
f is the frequency of the photon

(1b). combining (1a) with (2b) . . . . . . . E = hc/x
( hc is a combination of 2 constants. Let’s call it . . k)

(1c). Therefore . . . . . . . . E= k times 1/x
And when   x = 1/2,   1/x = 2

For CP, one may break up this photon in any possible small size. Equation (1c) says the shorter the wavelength, x, of the photon the greater its energy, E. If you slice up x, in other words divide the photon into halves (x = 1/2, or 1/x = 2), which is forbidden by Quantum Physics, this would double the energies of these smaller bits 

 [E = k times 1/x), or E = 2k] .

Dare we say what happens if we smash this photon into a billion small bits: ? 

X = 1/109
1/x = 109
E K times 1/X,  or E =109 K,

or E = 1000,000,000K, that is, a BILLION times the energy of the whole sheet

The CP theories insist that there are no limits on the size you can cut up the sheet. This would mean you would eventually get a piece of the fabric that is almost infinitely miniaturized with near infinitely great energy. For Example, cut up x into ten thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion smaller bits. a decimal point followed by a hundred zeros:

X = 1/10100
1/x = 10100

which is the energy of a itty-bitty-tiny submicroscopic bit of the sheet, or ENERGY is:

E = 10100K, or a GOOGOL times the energy of the original sheet!!

Which makes an indelible impression written this way?

If the sheet can be sliced up indefinitely without end, The Universe would surely be way way hotter than TRILLIONS of the HOTTEST HELL! As Quantum Mechanics forbids the photon from being divided at all, we can sidestep the ‘Ultraviolet Catastrophe’ superheat death of the universe.


The CP’s say the poker should only glow in extreme blue. They say they are worried though, because this UC conundrum means the universe should be hotter than a thousand trillion hells!

However, the qp’s say reassuringly, “No worries, the UC Bogeyman is dead. Quantum Mechanics Rocks!!”

They tried to explain to the CP crowd that light isn’t just waves anymore.

The qp announces:

“These smallest indivisible bits will now be known as the Quanta, or photon particles”

The CP states that electromagnetism  is all the same. However, the qp notes that electromagnetism exists as a rainbow of colors.

However, The CP simply modified their theories and said:

“The ‘Rainbow Sheet’ is multicolored and you can slice and dice it”

The qp quips;

Mr. CP, there is a chink in your classical Armor:

“. . . someone get Albert in here! He is a classical physicist, but a radical one, who,  along with his more classic buddy, Max Plank, introduced this 'Quanta' concept into physics

When Albert gets back from the patent office someone had better find him to explain to these decrepit buffoons, I mean, these Learned Gentlemen, about the Photoelectric Effect that he explained so thoroughly and convincingly well by applying Quantum Mechanics.”

As Einstein remark to his young student, Werner Heisenberg:

"My mentor, Max, introduced the concept of the 'quantum'. It brilliantly explains Black Body Radiation”

The CP’s tried to persuade the qp’s that 'The Quantum concept is just pure bunk' that Max conjured up out of 'nowhere'

But again, the qp wondered rhetorically and loudly:

"What are you CP's doing about the UC?”

Enters Albert:

"Nothing else explains 'The Photoelectric Effect‘. I know you are all convinced that electromagnetism is strictly a wave phenomenon. This is what you wrote on the web:

‘How can light also be called a grain or nip of snuff? An Electron a shot or sip of Budweiser Light? . . . UTTER NONSENSE!!!’"

Albert went on to win The Nobel Prize in Physics for explaining The Photoelectric Effect using this new idea of the QUANTA!

A few younger skeptics (the 75-year olds) are asking themselves:

"This is quite peculiar. Color matters. The amount of light, not so much? This is just too spuikkiey", thought the skeptics.

"You mean spooky",said Einstein, correcting the skeptics.

QUANTUM LEAP and Rainbows

Let us return to our Black Box. Let us put these different colored marbles, that is, these different colored Quanta (photons) into our Black Box.  Our box now contains indivisible colored marbles ranging from Radio (Rd), Infrared (I), Micro (M), to the visible Colored marbles (R-O-Y-G-B-I-V) to the energy intense marbles UV, X-ray (X) to Gamma (G).  Since the box is black this means no energy can escape from it. Expanding or shrinking its size, the Black Box still contains 100% of its energy. As the box changes its size it gets hotter or cooler. Like the Universe, allow the Black Box to grow in size. When the box is small more energy is available to make high frequency photons like G, X and UV. As it expands less energy goes into making higher frequency colors and now more is available to make low frequencies like G, Y, O, and R and so on. As the Black Box cools more low frequency photons come ‘online’ and more high frequency colors go 'offline'. Now, what the CP is saying is that as the Black Box cools its temperature can have any value; that temperature values between, say, R and O frequencies exist. The qp says there are no colors, no frequencies between R and O; there are no photon types between G and B. You may only have color change from G to B because there are no colors in-between. The qp says a "Quantum Leap" is necessarily made from R to O; O to Y; Y to G; X to G and so on. The qp states that our rainbow only has the Rainbow Colors in the sequence, R-O-Y-G-B-I-V, because no other sequences are possible; there are no colors in-between.

Now you know why the Universe was Blue when it was a tiny Black Box and why it is now a Black Box containing 99.999999% Microwave ‘colored’ photons. It is so humongously oversized and so super cooled frigid there is no energy available to make any other ‘colors’ but the Microwave frequency. If it were to shrink the next higher frequencies are I, R and O. Just a single Blue photon requires more than a million times the energy it takes to make a single R photon. You cannot make a quarter, half, one-third of a Blue photon; one-nineteenth or one millionth of a Red photon as a CP believes. If there is little energy to make a Blue photon none are made. Most of the energy goes into making the M frequency photon because very extremely little is available, if at all, to make any of the other types of quanta.

This is why our Universe background color-glow is in the Microwave frequency. If you take 'one teaspoon'(one tsp = a 10,000000 light-year amount) of the Universe it contains just enough energy to make Microwaves and none is available to make any of the other photons.



The Uncertainty Principle really only applies to Quantum particles like the Photon and the Electron. That is, it is not possible at all to simultaneously accurately measure the election's momentum/position pair or the photon’s kinetic energy/'burn-time' pair.

Here are the two common expressions of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:

(1). ΔV  x  ΔS  ≥ ħ....
(the velocity measure 
 uncertainty combined with 
 the position measure uncertainty
 is at least Planks constant or 
 greater but not lesser
 and may not be 0)


(2). ΔE  x  ΔT  ≥ ħ....

(the kinetic energy measure
 uncertainty combined with 
 the kinetic 'burn time' 
 measure uncertainty is 
 at least Planks constant 
 or greater but not lesser 
 and may not be 0)


As I was saying, the above equations only apply to Quantum subatomic particles like the electron and photon. It would not apply to extremely large and massive objects like cars, houses or The Sun(?) and Black Holes(?). There is no problem measuring the velocity/position pair of a bus or kinetic energy(melt)/ melt-time parameter pair of a melting block of Iceberg


ONE  Quantum Superstring with two faces

{{Heisenberg Quantum Superstring, or Quantum Superstring Indeterminism}}








M-Theory attests that:

Our 4-dimensional Universe is one
tiny microscopic speck existing in a multiverse 11-dimensional super huge Megaverse

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle implies that Consciousness decides determinacy:

There is one nonevent:


This nonevent, or indeterminacy may be stated:

Particle-Wave:  NEITHER a particle nor a wave/ BOTH a Particle and a wave

Consciousness makes a determination:

"I" choose to 'see' the event either as a Particle or as a Wave:

(A). It's a PARTICLE not a wave


(B). It's a WAVE not a Particle"

It’s a Particle here


It’s a Wave over there


Consciousness and Information

Consciousness/Information organizes Itself Into M-Theory. M-theory organizes Itself Into SUSY. SUSY organizes into the germ of the Universe. The germ becomes the seed of the Universe. Inflation grows the
seed into the Big Bang birth of the Universe.

The particle's that are  the Universe are organized by QM into the set:

quarks  Electrons. Neutrinos.
Gluons. W's higgs photon. Z.

3-Q systems= Hadrons

2-Q systems=mesons

Stable hadrons = proton/Neutrons

Proton_neutron system=nucleus

Atom= Electron_nucleus system

Hydrogen nucleus organized Itself Into the Periodic Table of Elements

Carbon chemistry organizes Itself Into DNA/RNA biochemistry

DNA/RNA organizes into genes

Genes organize Amino Acids Into protein

Proteins organizes into life

Homosapiens organize into meme-matrix systems

Meme-matrix systems design phemotypes. Phemotypes organizes into culture

Culture is the highest form of the evolution of Consciousness Itself

(a k.a Information: Culture is the highest and most complex form of Information in The Universe)

Consciousness organizes itself into the meme-matrix. The meme-matrix organizes itself into individual Conscious Sentient Beings. The network of sentient beings and memes generates phemotype cultural phenomenon.

Information is the fabric of Consciousness Itself, and the basic fabric of the Universe and culture

Culture is the highest form of the evolution of Consciousness Itself and Information is the basic fabric of Consciousness and culture