Sunday, November 3, 2019

Inflationary Universe

When our Universe was submicroscopic it was one of countless Planck size Universes

The Planck length is 10-35 meter. Inflation blew up the Planck universe. From a time of 10-37second to 10-35 the universe doubled 100 times in 10-35 second. It grew 1030 times to 10-5 meter. If the universe was initially the size of an electron, 10-18 meter, and grew by that much, it would have a diameter 25 times the earth's distance from the moon. But the universe, initially 10-35 meter, after doubling 100 times in a fraction of a second, grew to 10-5 meter. 10-5 meter is about one thousandth of an inch, which is about as big as the smallest insect, a certain beetle (Scydosella musawasensis)

1 comment:

  1. Really blows your mind when you think about how insignificant in size we still are
