Gen1Flavors: up/down quarks: u/d.
Gen2 Flavors: strange/charm quarks: s/c
Gen3 Flavors: bottom/top quarks: b/t (also known as beauty & truth quarks)
Hadrons are quark composites. Baryons are 3-quark hadrons. Mesons are 2-quark (quark/antiquark) hadrons. Nucleons are the lightest baryons, and pions are the lightest mesons. The proton, a common baryon found in you and me, and Donald Trump (maybe), is a positively charged uud nucleon. The neutron, another typical baryon, is a chargeless udd nucleon. There are 3 types of u/d pions: the positive (uđ), the negative (ūd) and the chargeless (uū or dđ) pion. Pions are ubiquitous too; even Donald Trump possesses them, in the Billions! Literally! Hillary caught Bill with some Nucleon and Pion Interns, so he has none (I could be wrong). Because she wouldn't allow him to have anymore of these essential interns, he almost dropped dead from a massive heart attack!
The proton (uud) is a positively charged nucleon quark triplet. The neutron (udd) is a chargeless nucleon quark triplet. Protons and neutrons are like bricks (Yes, Donald has Sh..t . . . aah Brick for brains); These nucleons are some of the building blocks of the universe, and the only building blocks of Earthly stuff.
The proton and neutron nucleon can change into
each other, like this:
Proton: (Neutron + W+) = u+2/3 d-1/3 & {d-1/3 + W+1..
..................................................(charge on: u = +2/3, d = -1/3, W+ = +1, W- = -1)
u+2/3 = {d-1/3 + W+1}……..(the weak force particle, W+, decays up quark into a down quark,
converting a proton into a neutron).
Neutron: ud&d: exchange d for u = ud&u, or uud (proton)
Neutron: (Proton + W-) = u+2/3 d-1/3 & {u+2/3 + W-1
d-1/3 = { u+2/3 + W-1}……..(the weak force particle, W-, decays down quark into an up quark,
converting a neutron into a proton).
Just as two Jack Rabbits are essentially
identical, uud & udd baryons are at their core the same:
uud(proton) = udd(neutron)
IF (big if: rare occurrence)uchanges into ad a proton becomes a neutron.
IF (big if: rare occurrence)uchanges into ad a proton becomes a neutron.
udd (neutron) = uud (proton)
and when (this is frequent) d
changes into a u a neutron becomes a proton.
Neutrons turn into protons quite frequently. The name for this process is"radioactivity", or the radioactive decay of elements.
The pions π+, π- and π0 are u&d quark/antiquark pairs. Pions are like subatomic mortar. The red, green and blue gluons are its subnuclear equivalents. Gluons are subnuclear mortar. Pions are used to glue subatomic protons and neutrons within an atom’s nucleus. Gluons are used to cement the u&d, s&c, and/or b&t subnuclear hadron quark parts. That is, gluons bond quarks like u&d to each other to build 3-quark hadrons (the proton-nucleon baryon for example) and 2-quark hadrons, like the three (quark/antiquark) pions.
Gluons cement and strongly bond u&d subnuclear quark triplets to make nucleons, example protons and neutrons. The gluon also cements u&d quark/antiquark pairs to build the three pions. The three pions are subatomic crazy glue used to construct the
proton-neutron atomic nucleus.
Quantum Mechanical rules for atoms are like a recipe book. Take hydrogen:
Here is its "quantum mechanical recipe ingredients":
1 ELECTRON, a dash of PHOTONS, 1 PROTON and more often than not, 1 NEUTRON, a tsp of PIONS and 3 GLUONS.
Here is how to "cook up" a palette pleasing hydrogen atom gourmet dish:
Dip a u , another u and a d in a bowl of sticky gluons and they will stick together to
form uud; this is a proton. Later on this proton will serve as the hydrogen's
subatomic nucleus. If you desire the atom to have a proton-neutron
center, then cement a u, a d and another d to each other. Now you just made a udd nucleon called a neutron.
However, the proton and the neutron won't join together without cement;
the uud/udd proton/neutron hydrogen
nucleus will just fall to pieces without pion paste. But if you squeeze some
pion "crazy glue" on the surfaces of the proton and neutron the
atomic nucleus will hold together permanently (it would take a nuclear bomb to
split them apart).
Because of the proton, the hydrogen's nucleus has a positive charge. If you slap a slop of photons on the negatively charged electron and some more on the positively charged proton, they will bond best and you will finally have a proton/neutron hydrogen nucleus, and an electron/photon/proton/neutron/pion/gluon atom known in the quantum physics and chemistry world as a serving of:
"an atom of hydrogen".
You did it. Don't let your dinner guests wait: QUANTUM MECHANICAL CHEMICAL HYDROGEN ATOM SUPPER AWAITS!!
Because of the proton, the hydrogen's nucleus has a positive charge. If you slap a slop of photons on the negatively charged electron and some more on the positively charged proton, they will bond best and you will finally have a proton/neutron hydrogen nucleus, and an electron/photon/proton/neutron/pion/gluon atom known in the quantum physics and chemistry world as a serving of:
"an atom of hydrogen".
You did it. Don't let your dinner guests wait: QUANTUM MECHANICAL CHEMICAL HYDROGEN ATOM SUPPER AWAITS!!
This quantum mechanical hydrogen atom is the mother chemical
element; all the other chemical elements are basically hydrogen composites. For
example, helium is basically the fusion of two hydrogen atoms and carbon is 6 H 's, and so on.
Life is Short
The quantum mechanical emergence and evolution of hydrogen chemistry gave rise to the exquisite molecules, Water & Carbon. The special chemistry of H2O & C allowed life to evolve here.
Eons ago, the energy of our sun warmed a little pond; somewhere here, parts unknown. The hydrocarbon-carbohydrated pond scum in this "Little Darwinian Swimming Pool" brewed up complex biochemistry. Cocktails of Carbon Chemicals stewed and congealed in Ponds of Aqueous Hot Springs Waters. Then, finally, self-replicating biochemical monomers and polymers (G-C-A-T-U) evolved from this scum of the earth. Bacteria emerged from these scummy ponds. Bacterial life huddled together inside these ponds and invented a way to survive in a wide variety of scum. Descendant colonies of bacterium engineered a 'true kind', a more sophisticated and complex New Kind of bacteria, or Eubacteria. Some of these eubacteria evolved into politicians like Bernie Sanders. Hillary is a descendant of Hughie Eubacteria
No one knows (((or cares))) what kind of scum The Donald arose from! But everyone knows that DONALD -J(UNK)-TRUMP is full of weird, alien and strange kind of bacterial scum.
Eubacterium evolved into complex multicellular organisms, like fish, and Bernie & Hillary, and The D . . . (don't get me started!!). The fish of the seven seas swam ashore. While some returned to their ponds, others remained on dry land and evolved into amphibians, reptiles and mammals . The question arose: who will win the contest for the American Electoral College in the American Main Lands? A good beginning is to return The Don to his "little darwinian pond". Hopefully The Electorate will send this Twenty-First-Century P. I .G. a message at the November Polls and soak this S.N.S. Dumbass ScumTrump in a Salty Sea up to his rump ("S.N.S" stands for Sleazy Nazi Scumbag).
Sixty-five million years ago Dino
D'saury Dinosaur watched, curiously, as a giant asteroid screamed down
from the heavens. The mammals, Roth
E. MicenMen and his daughter, Lucky-Lin
E. RathChic, were foraging underground when Dino said to Dumbo
Dipsy-D’Dinosaur and D'EftUpp Duh Dinosaur, and T. Rex:
but before he could say
it was all over.
By Tuesday April 1st the coldblooded dinosaurs were extinct. By Sunday April 6th the warm-blooded mammals began to run roughshod all over the earth as if they owned the damned place!
T. Rex and his ilk ruled Earth for one hundred and fifty
million years, and then one day:
Wiped off the face of the Earth.
How long have humanity ruled?
(less than one million years).
How long have humanity got?
When is our Tuesday April 1st?
Who will be ruling on another Sunday April 6th?
How long have humanity got?
When is our Tuesday April 1st?
Who will be ruling on another Sunday April 6th?
Don’t look to the heavens or down in the hot bowels of volcanoes for the apocalypse.
Look inwards.
Look inwards.
You don't have to look too far if Trump becomes the next president.
Look in The White House.
Look in The White House.
Life is short . . .
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