Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Objectivity properly relates the mental object in the mind to its source, the material objects in the material physical world.

Objectivity states that the material object is the original and the mental object is its copy.

Subjectivity states that the mental object is the original and the physical object is its copy.

Objectivity in principle allows you to accurately relate objective experiences in the physical world with the subjective impressions they make on the mind.

If I watch you pour strawberry syrup in a glass, I can copy that experience and pour strawberry syrup in a glass too.

If you are thinking (silently): "I am imagining pouring strawberry syrup in a glass" I cannot copy the experiences in your (silent) thoughts.

A belief is an assumption that is (usually) verbally stated. For example: "If I drop a heavy and a light stone at the same time the heavy one will reach the ground before the light one”

The question is: How would you test this belief to see whether it is a true belief or a mistaken belief?

Perform an objective test: Do what Galileo did. Climb to the top of The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Rome and drop both stones together. You could perform a subjective test: Ask an authority figure what he THINKS will happen.

I am partial to the objective test, formally known as

THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD; it goes like this:

(A belief; maybe true maybe false): "Troy stole my Barbie Doll".

PREDICTION “I bet if you dust Barbie for fingerprints they will be his".

APPARATUS/DATA A computer with many different fingerprints including Troy’s and the fingerprints found on Barbie.

(Expert fingerprint technicians): Each expert independently reproduces the experiment exactly.

EXPERIMENTAL FINDING Almost all the experts report that the fingerprints found on Barbie match troy's fingerprints.

CONCLUSION The belief: “Troy stole my Barbie Doll" is a belief that most experts agree is not a false belief.

Here is the point I am trying to make: Consequences come with disregarding the effects of the physical world and its objective rules of engagement; some are minor but some can be very very painful.

If you go to Pathmark and pick up grocery worth a $100 and only give the cashier $10 you will learn quickly that you are fooling yourself; you were lied to. Either way you might be very disappointed or feel like a fool before the judging world.

How can you be sure which theory is true to reality?

"$10 = $4 + $6”


"$100 = $4 + $6"

By employing an objective test:

Go to Pathmark and pick up a chicken priced $6 and a gallon of milk priced $4. Give the cashier a $100 bill. If you reckon that $6 + $4 = $10, in your mind you are expecting to get $90 in change. If she reckons $6 +$4 = $100, then in her mind she owes you no change.

If two very different theories make the same claim they both cannot be true.

You need to apply an objective test to decide which is the true belief.

So you pin one of the two theories on an object in the real world that everyone agrees is real and true:

Everyone accepts that the only theory that fits the object we agree is true and real is the theory

"$10 = $4 + $6"

Replay the shopping experience:

DAD "Pardon me, Ma'am. Shouldn't I be getting back $90 in change?"

LINDSEY "Are you sure? Let me see: $4 + $6 = $100. You gave me a $100 bill. That's correct. Thank you. Pathmark appreciates you choosing us. Come again. NEXT!”

DAD "Do you have a copy of the stone with the standard theory carved into it?"

LINDSEY "I have it right here, dad"

DAD "Here is my copy. Compare both"

LINDSEY "Both copies are carved with "$10 = $4 + $6". Sir, I apologize. Please forgive me, dad. Here is your $90 in change"

The objective experience of The Scientific Method is the best objective test there is, so far, to most accurately determine the truthfulness and reality of our beliefs. Each of us has our own subjective theories. Most of the time it is usually the ones that match up closely with our real experiences in the physical world outside of our minds that are true and real beliefs.

The experimentalist, Galileo Galilei, was correct: both stones will reach the ground at the same time, disproving the untried, untested "common sense" mistaken belief that the heavy stone reaches the ground before the light one

You can see where this is going:


Here is the problem: Religion has no objective tests to demonstrate whether or not it is a true and real belief; believers are commanded not to put it to any test whatsoever. One who believes is deemed to have committed a deadly sin if he aspires to gain knowledge of the whole world and condemn his only soul to roasting in everlasting hellfire for eternity. A believer must take the birth and continued existence of the world wholly on unquestioned FAITH. Every word in The Holy Bible is beyond reproach and critique. Not even reading between the lines is permissible, and it is blasphemy, and it is heresy to speak, depict, or portray The Holy Scriptures in any way that contradicts the canonized orthodoxy enshrined in it. Believers must close their minds to the Devil inspired satanically curious minds of unbelievers. Mere mortals, believers and unbelievers, are born into sin. Only by believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior can we rid ourselves of sin and be worthy of the grace of God. Surely it is not too much for God to demand that believers better pray and praise him all the days of their lives, and God-fearingly dare not entertain one iota of doubt in accepting the fact of the world as an act of miraculous creation by GOD, by God!!
You can see clearly that this kind of dogma is unapproachable!

Here is some . . .


The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have their roots in Gnosticism, and Gnosticism has its roots in ancient Egyptian Paganism. The monotheistic religions above go back thousands of years. Islam originated about one thousand four hundred years ago. The history of Christianity goes back a little over two thousand years ago. Gnosticism goes back about another five hundred years. Judaism was founded about six hundred years prior to this, and Egyptian polytheistic Paganism stretches way back another four thousand years. An important and popular center piece of the old dead Egyptian Paganism is the mythology of the god-man, Osiris. The mythical narrative is that Osiris is the son of Geb, the Earth god, one of many Egyptian gods. Osiris is a spiritual being transformed into flesh and entered the carnate world as the human baby of a young virgin. He is the god-man predestined to save this evil-infested devil run-down Earth through his own self-sacrifice. Osiris, persuaded by his father, presents himself as the son of god, and god incarnate. In the mythological tales he performed miracles like raising the dead, exorcising evil spirits, and other uncountable miraculous feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wait a minute this story sounds awfully familiar. Yes. It is similar to the Jesus allegorical narratives. It is the Osiris myth adapted to Jewish/Christian cultural tastes and sensibilities. Jesus too performed miracles like raising the dead, exorcising evil spirits, restoring sight to the congenitally blind, attended to lepers, forgave prostitutes and feeding a multitude of more than ten thousand followers with just one handful of fish and seven loaves of bread. He even walked on water and calmed stormy seas and other uncountable miraculous feats. This body of allegorical myths was originally crafted as an epic teaching story by the Gnostic Jews who resided in Greece. This epic drama is a wisdom-rich myth. The Gnostic Jews could not sell this mythology to their Jewish brethren but they noticed that the Gentiles, former pagans, were sold on it. What happened was that these Gentile early Christian sects took it to heart, and believed it to be the literal truth. For Christians, Gentiles, this myth-dogma book is:"The Gospel Truth".

A schism developed between the Gnostic Christians and the Literalist Christians. The Literalist Christians canonized their favorite Gospels that they borrowed from the Gnostics, calling the other Gnostic gospels they disliked, dangerous heresies. Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity in a failed attempt to unify his crumbling empire, but in so doing the first Christian Church fathers held great defacto power. They founded The Roman Catholic Church as the first organized monotheistic state religion. They wielded this awesome Roman power and thoroughly annihilated all the Gnostic movements. The historical records that have been found showed the Gnostic Jews setting the Egyptian Osiris-myth turned Jesus-story within actual historical Roman Empire times:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus’ followers turned out to be thankless ingrates and betrayers, as expected. The final drama would be the arrest, trial and sentence of Jesus for treason for claiming to be "King of the Jews”. This was a death sentence because for the Roman Empire, of which Judea was a part, this kind of talk could mean he is setting himself up as a ruler, and, maybe, plotting to overthrow the Emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar. However, things were going as planned. Jesus and his father concocted a plot to setup one of his very close followers. Judas was to be the fall guy. In line with the hatched plot, Judas "betrayed" his master to the roman soldiers. Jesus was eventually sentenced to death. He was viciously beaten and tortured while bearing his cross. Jesus was nailed to it and crucified dead.

Judas was blamed for his master's persecution, torture and crucifixion. The poor guy was made into a pariah, hounded and harassed wherever he went. He was sworn to secrecy by Jesus and his father so he had to keep his mouth shut. The pressure and guilt became too much and he hung himself.

Don't get too queasy however. This was all foretold by the prophets, being already predicted in early Jewish folklore and written down in The Old Testament. Jesus had to be martyred. Judas Iscariot could not refuse to conspire against his beloved master. This was the only way to save the souls of humanity, you see. However there was a happy ending. Jesus rose from the dead after three days and ascended, enveloped in the whitest of white light, accompanied by angels and headed home to heaven.

This was not the end of the story. Alas, there was good news and bad news for his followers but worst news for unbelievers. Jesus would return in the "end times" and mete out a final judgment. The good news was that billions of believers would join him in the "Kingdom of heaven". The bad news was that there was only vacancy for exactly 144000 believing Jewish followers; the rest of the millions of Jews, good and bad, are going to hell (presumably to exact vengeance on "Adolf Hitler &The Nazis", disguised as a rock band). The worst news was that, as regards to nonbelievers, there was no appeal, no pardon from his father, and no mitigating extenuating circumstances. Why? Because for two thousand years you knew this was coming and because ignorance of the details of Armageddon is no excuse. If you which to preview the epic final battle between good and evil, it behooves you to revisit Revelations, the last book of The New Testament . . .

Is the story of Jesus and his father a mythical moral compilation of teaching narratives as admitted to by the Gnostics? Is the belief in Jesus and God a true belief that is not objectively testable by the scientific method? Objective historians have pored over the historical records of the times Jesus was supposed to have walked the Earth. Historians have yet to uncover any credible evidence of a historical Jesus. Seeing no evidence for a real Jesus in real history, rational thinkers won't buy into the argument that the biblical Jesus is a true belief. However, when they peeled away the thick mythical skin, they found timeless truths rich in wisdom. But they are not able to convince the true believers that they are worshiping the colorful mythical skin and not discovering the rich essence hidden inside.

How do you win an argument with a person who refuses to look at the historical data, that will not countenance the scientific theories that embodies the data when they strongly believe that if they "betray their faith" as their god admonishes them not to, their "souls will roast forever in hell". The great concern is that they feel so threatened that they have virtually declared war on rational thinking and learning, and brazenly declare that they will succeed in imposing this two thousand year old dogma on all of humanity.

We have to engage the debate and win over the upcoming generations to rational education including the historical true beliefs. If unreasoning, unreasonable and intolerant "true believers" succeed as they boast they will, then the furtherance of civilization itself is seriously threatened.

A world ignorant of its history could be condemned to repeat the past. Remember the Dark Ages? This is the era when Christendom took defacto control of the remnants of the crumbled Roman Empire. Their laws were based on a literal reading of the Bible and they mercilessly applied it to whoever they branded transgressors and dangerous heretics. While they ruled with an absolute iron fist, they burned most of the intellectual treasures along with the burning on the stake of almost all the "heretical" intellectuals of the era. This went on from the 5th century through the 15th century. The iron rule of Christendom stifled scientific inquiry, learning and thinking and destroyed western scientific culture for a thousand years. If it’s any consolation, western civilization was able to salvage some of its losses that were preserved by Arabic, Chinese and Indian civilizations.

Western civilization has rebuilt its scientific and advanced technological culture. Will reason and objectivity prevail to preserve and continue building the storehouse of irreplaceable cultural treasures? . . .

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